Not everyone has taken the opportunity to recover their driving license with the code “69” early: how does it work?


Drunk drivers were also not detained for quarantine

According to statistics from the Police Department of the Ministry of the Interior, in 2020 a total of 9,596 drunk drivers were identified. Drivers with an intoxication of 1.51 and more per thousand – 4,692 Drivers with an intoxication level of more than 0 per thousand but not more than 1.5 per thousand – 4,904.

According to the pertinent articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the disqualification to drive is mandatory when a mild degree of intoxication (from 0.41 to 1.5 per thousand) has been established for 2,463 people. It was this part of the drivers who knew how to seize the opportunity to regain their rights early. According to police data, in 2020 alcohol blocks were assigned to 531 people.

There was no shortage of drunk drivers on the roads during the quarantine months, but according to Laura Salokaitė, head of the Traffic and Administrative Supervision Division of the Lithuanian Highway Police Service, the quarantine affected the number of drunk drivers: “In average per thousand of intoxication. Minimum number of identified drunk drivers (more than 0 per thousand to 1.5 per thousand): 221 in April and 221 in March. – 322, in December – 359. The highest number of these drivers is in July and August, 579 and 558, respectively, as well as in September (507) ”.

It is difficult to “fool” specially adapted equipment

Why Vytautas Lukoševičius, representative of Altas’ certified block service Altautas, is convinced that only one in five drivers who got stuck and have that right took the opportunity to regain their rights before the driving ban expires. only this year. “Drivers are in no rush to install alcohol blocks, because the equipment is not cheap, especially if the alcohol block is only needed for a few months. Seeing the need, we started to provide short-term alcohol block rental services. ”Adds V. Lukoševičius.

According to the specialist, alcohol blocks installed by commercial representatives in commercial vehicles or equipment sold in advertisements are not suitable. Alcoblocks tailored to the offending driver program must meet a number of requirements, one of which is a request for sampling at random intervals. “This is to prevent the driver from drinking while driving or by an unauthorized person. In addition, all errors, attempts to affect the device are recorded in its memory. The police can ask at any time to extract this data and check how it is behaving the driver ”, says V. Lukoševičius about the equipment adapted to the driver’s offending program.

According to the representative of the Lithuanian Highway Police, after stopping the vehicles and noting the code “69” on the driver’s license, the officers check whether the vehicle is equipped with an anti-alcohol motor lock or the person subject to Administrative penalties has a Certificates of alcohol ignition and engine lockout system. In addition, at the request of the officer, the person to whom this administrative penalty is imposed must attempt to start the vehicle’s engine without the use of an anti-alcohol engine lock and start the vehicle’s engine after taking the sample.

VIDEO: How does an alcohol lockout work and what happens if it is ignored?

By installing an alcohol block, you can avoid retesting

The prohibition of driving vehicles without anti-alcohol motor locks can be imposed, together with an administrative sanction, only by a court, official or other relevant authority. It is these authorities who also decide on the shortening of the period of disqualification to drive. Regitra automatically receives information about said decision from the Registry of Administrative Offenses.

Before applying for the Regitra, the driver, like all people who have lost the right to drive, must have met all the requirements for the recovery of the right to drive. It depends on the type of infraction and the period of disqualification. Therefore, if a person has lost the right to drive for less than a year or the competent authorities have reduced it to this period, additional training at a driving school is required. “It is not necessary to take driving tests in” Regitra “, shares the information Emilija Bardauskienė, representative of” Regitra “. This means that a person who has been diagnosed with a mild degree of intoxication can receive from 12 to 18 months. driving without a block of alcohol, and if a person decides to impose such a measure with the consent of the person, after evaluating all the circumstances, the disqualification to drive for 6 to 12 months is imposed. and the right to drive a vehicle equipped with a block of alcohol for 12 to 18 months (this period begins to run at the end of the deprivation period.) If the period of disqualification for driving is set to less than 12 months, it is not necessary to take the tests again.

VIDEO: What does the code “69” mean for the driving license?

According to the specialist, drunk drivers must additionally take care of a health certificate issued within the framework of the mandatory training program on the harm caused by alcohol and drugs to human health, as well as a medical certificate of medical examination, which it must be issued later than road traffic. Violation. In the event that drivers are deprived of the right to drive for a year or more due to KET violations, it will be necessary to implement not only all the above requirements, but also to pass the theory and practice exams in the “Registry”.

Regitra also receives information electronically and automatically about the completion of additional training at a driving school and the medical certificate issued. Therefore, it is sufficient that the client only has an identity document and a certificate of attestation of health knowledge.

He hopes to discourage drunk driving

V. Lukoševičius, a representative of the Altas service company, which sells and installs equipment from a Swedish company, says that employees had to test the operation of the equipment themselves. “Lithuanians are still unusual and may even be ashamed to control their sobriety in front of strangers, for example in the shopping center parking lot, but we have no doubt that this will be a very common and normal practice for many drivers”, says V Lukoševičius. “Tidy and well-functioning equipment does not create additional obstacles or wasted time for drivers, but beep sensors above the alcohol limit are not a pleasant experience and should be avoided.”

According to the representative of the Lithuanian Highway Police Service, L. Salokaitė, these alternative sanctions grant a person with certain restrictions the right not to move and not to lose the ability to drive: Consequently, this objective is achievable, since the Anti-alcohol motor lock prevents drunk driving again. “
