Not all bars have been recovered from quarantine – older customers still missing


For companies, however, it was different. Some have higher revenues compared to the same period last year, others face declining customer traffic. Currently, many bars and cafes in the old town are returning to normal and happy to return to work.

Visitors yearned

Gediminas Mustakimov, the manager of the “Fax” fax house on Žvejų Street, said May, albeit with restrictions, was a success. Visitors to the bar opened their wallets more widely than in the same period last year, and sales grew.

“People yearned for a normal life and allowed themselves to spend more than usual during this period. He bought more, and this allowed to increase the rotation. The state also helped by subsidizing workers’ wages with downtime. This process was very fluid and it was very coldAs this allowed all employees to be retained. If it weren’t for this program, it would have been worse, “said the person in charge of the fax.

The government tries, but not from the shoulder.

Mustakimov is somewhat disappointed by the inflexibility of the municipality. The businessman sought to expand the service area and place tables on the grass next to the bar. This would be more effective in meeting the requirement for a safe distance between bar visitors but without obtaining a permit.

Not all bars have been recovered from quarantine - older customers still missing

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

In addition, the municipality of the city of Klaipeda, according to the interlocutor, lacked the initiative to substantially help the business affected by the restrictions of the coronavirus. According to the interviewee, the city government was unable to offer the company anything except the abolition of the land tax.

“It is a pity that he did not allow tables to be placed on the lawn. Perhaps the image of the patio would have changed radically, as the lighting and other decorations would have appeared. He would have asked to plant and maintain a special lawn. And they, the representatives of the municipality, they tell me that in 2011. The resolution does not allow it.

The city has now raised no money so it could have done something beautiful.

The abolition of the land tax did not bring much benefit to me and the owners of family bars. It would be better to allow the bars to serve on the terraces for a longer period of time and take responsibility for the noise. There are terraces that do not disturb the surrounding residents, so they could work all night. And now, at midnight, everyone has to be emptied, “said G. Mustakimov.

Going back to the old tracks

In May, Jazzpils was not profitable for the music house, compared to the same period last year: only 30 percent. normal traffic June results are more successful, and club director Lina Gedminienė appreciates the current situation.

In May, according to the director, many regular visitors worked from home or were off duty, with fewer people arriving at noon than usual. The government’s decision to limit working hours to 11 pm also contributed negatively to reducing customer flow.

“Our activities can be divided into two parts: the daily offer of lunch and live music performances in the evenings. Coincidentally, May was completely unfavorable for our operations. I think that the bars, more aimed at younger age groups, had higher turnover in May.

Young people viewed quarantine differently. Apparently they are less scared, so they flooded the bars when they started working.

Our audience is greater. It is true that the subsequent indicators are positive and it is gratifying, ”said L. Gedminienė.

The pandemic provided valuable lessons

According to L. Gedminienė, the crisis caused by the coronavirus opened his eyes: the economic indicators before the quarantine promised to increase and prosper, therefore, few people accumulated reserves and invested more in expansion.

Not all bars have been recovered from quarantine - older customers still missing

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

No matter how good future prospects look and look good, according to the interlocutor, you still need to have considerable reserve. Because the state cannot help companies.

“The state covers 90 percent. The salary of the former employee, and the remaining 10%. – employer. But in the end it turns out that it covers only 50 percent because 40 percent. The state recovers through taxes on payroll. Who was banned from working for two months and had no income turned his head because he had to survive somehow. Other businesses went bankrupt, “explained L. Gedminienė.

The music house director noted that middle-aged and older customers are more cautious after quarantine and more self-protective, less likely to go somewhere with large companies. Now it usually appears in groups of up to 4 people.

The interlocutor also noted a decrease in the clients’ money basket as clients now leave less money in the club.

Expect local tourists

Entrepreneurs say some of the caterers have not survived and have had to close, while the rest face stiff competition, and many have to fight to survive.

L. Gedminienė, director of Jazzpilis, hopes that the reduced flow of foreign tourists will be compensated by compatriots who have decided to vacation in Lithuania.

“Quarantine provided an opportunity to stop and think about who we are, why people visit us. The fact that we play quality live music is a direction that we will go further because we see that people love and need us. After the quarantine, the heart sang when we met with the most loyal visitors of ours “, opened L. Gedminienė.

Karolina Glazauskaitė, manager of the Leika bar, is happy to be able to carry out activities and calculate the highest turnover. The interlocutor said that at first, even after receiving a work permit until 10 at night, the bar was in no rush to open.

According to the interlocutor, the reduction of quarantine restrictions has encouraged people to visit the bar more actively.

“It was sad when we finally opened, but longing customers at the bar had to be invited outside early due to limited hours. And anyway, there were a lot of ambiguities when I had to dig deep into the law, check with the Department of Law Enforcement and the State Food and Veterinary Service. They also lacked an understanding of what and how to be. But, more importantly, work time restrictions have been lifted.

Like every summer, we see an increase in customers, this year turnover even increased compared to the same period last year. We are also receiving more visitors from Latvia and Estonia than usual, ”said K. Glazauskaitė.

Ramūnas Pocevičius, director of the café “Senoji Hansa” operating in the heart of the old town, is also in a good mood.

The businessman feels the shortage of cruise ships and tourists that come to them, but adds that everything is getting on the old road.

Not all bars have been recovered from quarantine - older customers still missing

© DELFI / Rita Gečiūnaitė

“Cruises are missing, but we survived because we have regulars who love us, people missed spending time at the bar. I didn’t think we would increase traffic. There is certainly nothing to complain about, as the state has also contributed to the retention of workers. Thanks to her, thanks to the smiling neighbors. We are happy to work, “summarized R. Pocevičius.

Fishermen’s Bar on Kepėjų Street is less successful in surviving the pandemic. One of the most popular battlegrounds, the old bar receives few customers and operates only 4 days a week.

“It just caught our eye then. We work 4 days a week because there are no people in the city on weekdays. We use discounts, but we’ve seen a decrease in customer traffic since the start of the bar opening. We were left with all the employees, only one expressed his desire to go alone ”, opened Ramūnas Šermončius, the manager of the Fishermen’s Bar.

The terraces are a lifesaver

Aurelija Petkūnienė, head of the Klaipėda Old Town Businessmen’s Union, is critical of the government.

“There is a so-called 25-square-meter limitation to build a closed terrace on state land. In such an area, under quarantine conditions, to maintain safe distances, it will place only two or three tables. Our weather is changeable: one day the sun is shining, The next day it’s raining. The closed terrace for bar businesses is a lifesaver. The municipality of Klaipeda city reacted badly to the situation. The abolition of the land tax is all that the city government has been able to offer. ” said A. Petkūnienė.

According to the interlocutor, the city needs actions that unite people. Every event and initiative is important. Other institutions, such as public library initiatives, are the main promoters.

Seek tripartite cooperation

Romena Savickienė, director of the Klaipėda Tourism and Culture Information Center, said that it is important for the companies, the municipality and the center managed by him to achieve the goal together.

“Our center, together with the municipality and the businesses in the old town, is preparing an action plan to attract people to Klaipeda and the old town. Much remains to be decided, but we have made a common decision to develop teamwork and organize more events on a smaller scale for different groups of people.

The pandemic has shown that the flow of tourists can be completely disrupted, making it necessary to revitalize the city center by attracting people from the sleeping areas and suburbs. When the city is alive with a large number of local residents, it also attracts others, “said R. Savickienė.

Approximately the same number of permits was issued

Rimantas Armonas, Chief Specialist of the Klaipėda Municipality Licensing and Permitting Division:

“To help companies cope with the consequences of the coronavirus, caterers are exempt from the land tax this year. Also, to expand the service area, an extension permit is issued within a day or two. after the presentation of the furniture distribution scheme. This year, some 110 permits have been issued for the expansion of the activities of public catering companies, including private companies. This number has not changed significantly for several years. “
