non-compliance can be costly


“Residents who decide to replace asbestos roofing, also known as slate, usually start to crack or break it, resulting in tiny slate particles that are extremely dangerous to human health.

There are also cases in which the population breaks outdated slate and, when mixed with other construction materials, uses the tracks to fill the gap, but does not even realize that it can be harmful to them or their loved ones.

So I want to urge everyone to act responsibly and hand over asbestos waste to waste managers; in this way, you will take care not only of nature, but also of the well-being of your family ”, says Raimondas Sakalauskas, Director of Environmental Protection. .

The environmentalist emphasizes that residents can go to large municipal-owned waste collection sites or private waste managers to legally and safely dispose of waste in order to dispose of asbestos roofs.

Oh, the hazardous waste generated in companies must be handed over to contracted waste managers. And those ventures that generate hazardous waste and more than 12 tons of non-hazardous waste per year, and those

Those who are obliged to carry out the waste accounting provided for in the Construction Waste Management Regulation must also carry out the waste accounting through the Unified Accounting Information System for Products, Containers and Waste (GPAIS).

Due to its technical properties and simple and inexpensive extraction, asbestos slate was widely used in construction in Lithuania.

As long as buildings or items containing asbestos are intact, asbestos does not pose a major risk. There is a significant risk of breaking, dismantling or treating buildings, structures and products containing asbestos when very fine and invisible fibers are released into the environment.

Inhaled asbestos fibers, like needles, seep into the airway tissue and become the cause of various incurable cancers and asbestosis.

The removal, demolition or repair of asbestos roofs and other asbestos-containing products must be carried out in accordance with safe work requirements and ensuring that asbestos fibers are not released into the environment. This waste must be collected separately so that it does not mix with other waste.

Bulk construction waste containing asbestos generated on site should be moistened and packed in airtight plastic containers.

Packaged construction waste containing asbestos must be marked in accordance with the requirements of the Waste Management Regulations and may be temporarily stored on site for a maximum of 6 months after generation, but no longer than until the end of the waste work. building.

Persons who have dumped hazardous waste into the environment face administrative liability in accordance with Article 247 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania for pollution of the environment with hazardous waste. In addition, compensation for damage to nature can be demanded at the rate of 10,426 EUR per tonne.
