Nijolė Putyytė-Rukaitienė on a man’s reaction to a full body: I ​​don’t have to say it, I see it for myself


“During the first quarantine, I gained 7 kilograms. And there is nothing good in weighing those 69, I do not keep any concert clothes,” he shared on the #Tobulainetobula program by television presenter and content creator Indrė Stonkuvienė.

When Stonkuvienė asked her during a pleasant conversation why Nijole still seems to need to go on a diet, the woman said it is also related to various reasons, according to the press release.

“If you didn’t have to present yourself in public and not be by Karina, Ingrida and Goda’s side, then everything would be fine. You could relax. I used to be comfortable with you, Indre, and not with Karina, Ingrida at all, her little ones”, I laughed.

According to Nijole, her family members also noticed her weight gain. “And the man somehow said to me, Nijoliukai, I love him, but, well, somehow … I see. Mom and brother have both said it’s already round. Needless to say, I see it myself. And also the emotion is not like that ”, opened the interlocutor.

According to Nijole, there are certain rules in the entertainment world that they reluctantly want to follow. Unfortunately, weight gain causes problems.

“In the summer I had to buy all the new clothes and it was already a size 40 that has never been in my life. My band and I had to sew new suits because I didn’t fit in either. It seemed as if the form had fallen again at the end of the summer, but in the fall, when the second quarantine began, I gained weight again … Now I’m not well, I feel heavy. I will continue to diet until I regain my weight. It is 60 kg. It’s my weight, normal after birth, after all that makes me feel better, “he said.

Nijolė Pidukytė-Rukaitienė

Nijolė Putyytė-Rukaitienė

The singer also admitted that she has trouble eating, enjoys snacks and large portions a lot. “I don’t eat sweets, bulk, potatoes, rice at all. I really eat healthy, but in large portions and I don’t feel full. Now I do everything by grams. That is what you should eat in principle. I really hope that during these tests, I will find out what my lifestyle can be, ”Nijole said.

At that time, Indre admitted that he did not have scales at home and did not pretend to have them.

“It just came to our attention then. Although, of course, each of us has our own internal rules for when we feel our best. But I have no scales. I remember when I was starting to play sports, I went with my mom and I feel so good, I think I need to weigh ourselves. And then I got upset … So I decided that I was doing well by not weighing every day, ”he said.

When Indre asked, maybe he would be similar to Nijole, maybe he would feel better if he stopped weighing, the woman said he was still related. “No, it’s not just about the number on the scale. I really feel that weight in my emotion as well,” Nijolė said.

You can see the whole conversation on, and every Thursday a new show from the #Tobulainetobula project.

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