Next week, experts may propose changes to the rules for the use of masks: the evaluations are very controversial


LNK news in central Vilnius asked passers-by if they had problems with their masks outside.

Some say it’s hot, the makeup is broken, others say they are very bored. Others say that they are used to it and that the masks no longer feel good.

Many said that the masks do not interfere. Experts who advised the government also debated whether to wear masks outdoors last Friday. But after the meeting, he did not part with the friendlier mood.

Rimas Jankūnas, a professor at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) invited to the meeting, announced on Facebook that at Friday’s meeting all the experts agreed that it was possible to propose to the Government to legalize that it is no longer necessary to wear masks . outdoors if there are no people within 2 meters.

However, according to R. Jankūnas, the “citizen of a tula” who participated in the meeting, who has no medical education and knows about masks as much as he heard on television, held a different opinion. Apparently, it thwarted the government’s acceptance of the proposal.

“It seems that there was a trend towards the proposal to the government, but then that impression disappeared after one person spoke,” R. Jankūnas told LNK News.

According to journalists, the head of the Lithuanian Business Confederation, Andrius Romanovskis, could not disagree with the rejection of the masks in the field. He declined to comment on the LNK news.

Mindaugas Stankūnas, another member of the expert council, also reacted to the order. According to him, there was no dispute about the masks, experts agree that instruction in the field of masks can already be reduced. However, M. Stankūnas did not agree to comment on the details.

While experts argue that it would already be possible to reduce the instructions for wearing masks outdoors, the exact opposite suggestions are made for wearing masks indoors.

Here, Social Democrat Rasa Budbergytė says that you should be inside with not one, but two masks. She shared a study, the conclusion of which is very simple: wearing two masks also provides double protection.

“Two percent get 96 percent. I really believe that people who want to protect themselves could really take that advice,” the MP told LNK News.

United States President Joe Biden has repeatedly appeared in public after wearing two face masks. Americans are officially recommended to wear two face masks. It is explained that when you put on a mask, there are still gaps through which air can enter or exit.

Although journalists wanted to ask Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis about wearing masks, they did not do so on Monday. The remote press conference was interrupted even before all the questions were asked.

And Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė said only that rapes due to the use of masks are increasing.

Expert proposals for the use of masks will be considered next week.
