New scientific data has emerged on the incubation period of covidium


“Here I also want to share a short message from a meta-analysis that evaluated the incubation period of COVID-19. The researchers concluded from the analysis of several studies that it is usually 5.2 to 6.5 days. However, there may be cases where this deadline reaches 14 days, ”wrote Mindaugas Stankūnas, a member of the Council of Experts and a professor at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, in a link to the scientific publication on Facebook.

At the same time, the scientist drew attention to the general situation of the pandemic in the world.

“The number of new COVID-19 cases in the world continues to grow, with 5.2 million cases detected last week. New cases. That is, a new weekly record. The biggest culprit of this increase is India, where it is have detected +250,000 new cases of COVID-19 daily in recent days. Other countries in the world that show faster growth are Malaysia (+ 45% growth), South Africa (+ 35%), Argentina (+ 29%), Iran (+ 29%), etc. The 3,000,000 deaths from COVID-19 were reached last week.

By comparison, it took us 9 months to reach the first million deaths from COVID-19, 4 months for the second million, and only 3 months for the third. When we will reach the 4 million mark is difficult to answer at this point. It will likely largely depend on how the United States and Europe manage to fight COVID-19 and how strongly the crown will engage with India. Currently, around 8 people from COVID-19 die every minute in the world, “wrote M. Stankūnas.

The situation in Lithuania remains difficult

As published Tuesday, data from epidemiological studies conducted by the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) show an increase of almost a third in the number of active outbreaks of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) registered in trade during the last two weeks. . The number of active outbreaks in the manufacturing sector also increased by almost a fifth.

According to epidemiologist Dr. Daiva Razmuvienė, the general epidemiological situation in the country remains complicated.

“On the outbreak map, we see that the number of active outbreaks in two areas, production and commerce, has increased compared to the last two weeks. We associate these indicators with the return of employees to workplaces and increasing mobility. of people in general ”, says D. Razmuvienė.

In addition, the data shows that the overall structure of COVID-19 cases remains a significant proportion of family infections, and a third of those infected with the coronavirus infection in the past week reported illness after contact with a member of the family.

In the areas of production and commerce, at the end of last week there were 53 (45 the previous week) and 42 (33 the previous week) active outbreaks of COVID-19, respectively. There were also more active outbreaks at the end of last week, compared to the previous period, there were 18 outbreaks in service companies (10 a week ago).

In addition, last week there was a slight increase in active outbreaks in the food industry, construction companies, medical institutions.

At that time, the number of active outbreaks recorded in the logistics and transportation sector, as well as in clothing and furniture manufacturing companies, was unchanged compared to the last two weeks.

In total, 360 active COVID-19 outbreaks were recorded in Lithuania at the end of last week, compared with 310 the previous week.

The NVSC notes that an outbreak is the sudden spread of a communicable disease that affects a limited number of people and / or a limited area, that is, two or more interrelated cases of the disease in time and space.

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