New restrictions force stores to extend business hours


These restrictions are adopted to minimize traffic. However, these measures make retailers think about extending working hours so that everyone can buy.

Will work more during the holidays

Renata Keršienė, representative of Rimi Lietuva, says that the stores in this network will be open for a longer time just a few days before the holidays.

Hyper The Rimi chain stores will remain open for one more hour on the first days of the Christmas week, that is, from December 21 to 23 inclusive, until 11:00 p.m., as well as until 11:00 p.m., and some super format stores.

One more hour, that is, until 11 at night, all hyper Y super Rimi supermarkets will also be open from December 28-30. inclusive. On the eve of the new December 31st. – Until 9:00 p.m., all the Rimi chain stores will be open. Earlier, it will open its doors on January 1 – customers will be greeted at 10 am, ”the representative announces how and when the opening hours of Rimi stores will change.

“We are extending the opening hours of the stores these days, taking into account the current situation, when it is very important that buyers feel safe and at the same time have the opportunity to buy comfortably. This is ensured by the large areas of the Rimi stores and the longer working hours, which will protect against the need to rush and adapt to standard working hours, ”says Irina Miklienė, manager of supermarket management at Rimi Lietuva.

Changes are still under consideration

Tomas Basharov, representative of the Maxima chain, reveals that the chain also plans to extend its opening hours, but a final decision has not yet been made.

“After evaluating how the flow of people will be affected by the new restrictions, we plan to extend the opening hours of the stores. I will share the knowledge as soon as we have clear solutions ”, says Tomas Bašarovas, representative of Maxima.

Opening hours will not change

Two retail chains, Norfa and Iki, reported that working hours did not change. According to the latter, there is currently no reason to extend the opening hours of the stores.

“During the second quarantine, we did not reduce the working day. We work until 22, 23 hours. So far, there are really no traffic jams that need to be widened, ”says Vaiva Budrienė, representative of the Iki chain of stores.

V. Budrienė adds that to reduce the number of contacts in purchases, the retail network he represents has installed more self-service checkouts this year.

“It is true that we are currently intensively installing Bitutė self-service cash registers in Iki stores in Lithuania. Our data shows that customers are willing to pay at self-service checkouts; their number is only increasing every year. This payment method does not it only saves time, but is also effective in avoiding additional contacts, especially considering the current situation, ”says the representative.
