New requirements for sports activities: how will we play sports starting Monday? The | sports


Starting Monday, professional athletes will be able to participate in high-level sports exercises without restrictions on physical distance. Individual sports activities, physical activity exercises (when performed by a physical activity or a highly skilled sports instructor or a specialist in physical activity) may be carried out in accordance with the requirements of physical distance, ensuring at least 5 square meters. m of area per person and a distance of at least 2 m between people.

To ensure a safe environment for both athletes and staff, organizers of individual sports activities, physical activity exercises, and high-performance sports exercises shall comply with the established requirements for the prevention of the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID -19).

No more than 10 people, excluding family members, may participate in physical activity exercises conducted by an instructor or physical activity specialist. During these workouts and individual sports activities, at least 5 square meters must be provided for an athlete. m area and a distance of at least 2 m is maintained between athletes and between participants and staff or their groups.

Proper hand hygiene and disinfection should be possible in the sports area: wash your hands with warm running water and liquid soap or disinfect them with special hand sanitizers. Information about the need for hygiene is provided in a visible place: hand hygiene, cough, sneezing, etc. Additionally, athletes should wear protective gear to cover their nose and mouth during sports activities and indoor exercises when they are not exercising.

Used sports equipment should be cleaned and disinfected, and cleaning and disinfection of the environment at the site of sports activities and exercises should be performed in accordance with disinfection guidelines. To ensure safety, it is recommended to measure the body temperature of all staff and athletes as soon as they arrive at sports activities and exercise sites.

Personnel (sports instructors, specialists, coaches, service personnel, medical personnel, other personnel) must be kept at a distance of at least 2 m from each other during sports activities and exercises, and nasal protective equipment must be provided and worn and oral in closed sports areas: masks, respirators or other means. Also know that with acute signs of upper respiratory disease and other illnesses you cannot go to the place of sports activities and exercises.

It is important to ensure that staff and athletes who show no signs of upper respiratory disease (fever of 37.3 ° C or higher, runny nose, cough, sneeze, shortness of breath) are involved in sports activities and exercises. And people who show signs of upper respiratory disease should leave sports facilities and exercise sites immediately. They should be advised to consult the Coronavir hotline at tel. 1808 or contact your GP for a remote consultation.

Upon receiving information about a coronavirus infection found in a staff member or athlete, the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) is notified and cooperates with the NVSC to identify exposed individuals and apply 14 days of isolation.

It is recommended that people belonging to the risk group do not visit sports activities and training areas, as well as special personal clothing, equipment and sports equipment, and when non-sports activities, people and staff wear nose and mouth protection during public activities and exercises in open public spaces. .
