New record: 2,272 new cases of coronavirus in Lithuania, 16 people died


• Number of confirmed cases: 42,757.
• Number of sick people: 31,759.
• The number of new COVID-19 confirmed yesterday was 2,272.
• Number of deaths from coronavirus: 357.
• Deaths due to coronavirus from other causes: 143.
• Number of people who recovered: 10 498.

A record number of new cases was confirmed last day

The National Center for Public Health (NVSC) reports that 2,272 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania last day. Of these, 670 were registered in Kaunas, 497 in Vilnius, 270 in Šiauliai, 241 in Klaipėda, 130 in Telšiai, 110 in Alytus counties. Another 106 cases of infection were confirmed in Marijampolė, 104 in Panevėžys, 87 in Tauragė, and 42 in Utena counties. 15 cases have not yet been assigned to any region of the country due to lack of information. The regions to which these cases should be assigned will be clarified after the epidemiological survey.

Of the 2,272 positive results obtained last day, 945 entered the system late at night and at night. During NVSC working hours 1,327 positive test results were obtained, of which 1,077 were epidemiologically diagnosed, the rest are performed today.

Cases in which the circumstances of human infection are unclear, i. and epidemiological studies revealed that people did not go abroad, did not communicate with people for whom COVID-19 was confirmed, 267 were registered.

Outbreaks were recorded on the last day

Last day, outbreak-related infection cases were reported at Švenčionys Hospital, Širvintos, Klaipėda Seafarers Hospital, Šilutė, Klaipėda University Hospitals, Klaipėda Seafarers Health Center. In addition, in the regional hospitals of Tauragė, Jurbarkas, Mažeikiai, Telšiai.

Outbreak-related cases are also recorded at the Kaunas LSMU Hospital, where 19 cases of infection were confirmed yesterday in various departments, as well as at the Kaunas clinics, where 6 illnesses were recorded. In addition, outbreak-related cases were reported on Thursday at the Prienai nursing home, the Blinstrubiškės social care home located in Raseiniai district and the Raseiniai hospital.

Last day, a new outbreak was registered in the Padvariai welfare home located in the Kretinga district. Here, the infection has been confirmed in 22 people, of which 21 are residents and 1 employee.

A new outbreak was also registered in the Vilnius Vilkpėdė Hospital, where the infection was confirmed yesterday in 3 employees of the institution.

According to epidemiologists, a new outbreak has also been recorded in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Today, NVSC specialists go to the Seimas to assess the situation.

There were 260 cases related to outbreaks in families on the last day in Lithuania.

In Lithuania, there are 16 more deaths from coronavirus

NVSC reports that information was received from medical institutions last day about 16 deaths from coronavirus, people had other diseases. Currently, the infection has claimed 357 lives.

3 deaths were recorded in Šiauliai county. People belonged to the age groups 50-59, 60-69, and 70-79.

There were 3 deaths in Tauragė County. The individuals belonged to the age group 70 to 79 years.

3 deaths were recorded in Vilnius county. The individuals belonged to the age group 80 to 89 years.

2 deaths were recorded in Klaipeda County. The individuals belonged to the 50-59 and 90-99 age groups.

2 deaths were recorded in Panevėžys county. The individuals belonged to the age groups 50-59 and 80-89.

Last day there was a death in Kaunas County. The person belonged to the age group 80 to 89 years.

In addition, a death was recorded last day in Marijampolė County. The person belonged to the age group 70 to 79 years.

There was 1 death in Alytus County last day. The person belonged to the age group 60 to 69 years.

In addition, 7 deaths were recorded yesterday (2 in Klaipėda, 2 in Marijampolė, 1 in Tauragė, Kaunas and Telšiai counties), when those infected by the coronavirus died for other reasons.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

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