New recommendations for office work have been released: even a runny nose, a pretext to send home right away.


“The recommendations also apply to private institutions. The virus does not know if it is a public body or if it is private. (…) The employer must look for ways to protect people at risk. If it is not possible to work in a Those people will have to come to work remotely, but then there are conditions that must be met (distances between workplaces, use of personal protective equipment), “said A. Veryga.

It is recommended to measure the temperature, limit the contacts.

The document recommends allowing at-risk workers to work remotely or organize their work in a way that minimizes contact with others. People at risk are over 60 years old. old people, as well as people with chronic diseases.

It is recommended to measure the body temperature of workers only when they arrive at work. It is recommended that employees who develop fever (37.3 degrees Celsius and above) be removed from work immediately.

It is also recommended to constantly monitor the situation and remove the employee from work if the job shows signs of acute upper respiratory tract or other infectious diseases: fever, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea.

The minister seems perfectly suited for an employee, for example, to be sent home due to a runny nose.

“Adequate. Since the symptoms of COVID-19 are unfortunately not specific, you should not go to work anyway (with a runny nose). In the past, it would have made sense to wear personal protective equipment. In the current situation, when you are not realistically distinguish only by symptoms, which infection caused a runny nose or cough, it is better to protect yourself, “said A. Veryga.

It is recommended that the National Center for Public Health be informed if a worker finds out about COVID-19 or if the administration finds out about a case of coronavirus. People in contact with the infected person are subject to 14 days of isolation.

Recommendations for workplaces have been established.

The document establishes guidelines for workplaces. There must be a distance of at least one meter between the occupants or the workstations must be separated by partitions.

If it is not possible to guarantee the recommended distance, it is proposed to install work places in the meeting room, dining room and other premises that have not been used before.

It is recommended to limit physical contact between employees. If necessary, set its duration to a maximum of 15 minutes. It is also recommended to limit staff contact with visitors.

It is recommended that meetings be held remotely, and if such a facility is not available and a physical meeting is required, it is recommended to wear protective gear.

It is recommended that staff receive strict hand hygiene and that facilities are ventilated at least once an hour with windows open. It is recommended to clean frequently touched surfaces with a surface cleaner as often as possible, but at least twice a day.

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