New quarantine restrictions may be adopted over the weekend – what can residents expect?


During the first wave of coronavirus, following the introduction of quarantine in the country on March 16, the following restrictions were introduced:

1. Foreigners are prohibited from entering the country, except for persons who guarantee the delivery of necessary goods to Lithuania, crew members, relatives of Lithuanian citizens, persons with the right to live and work in Lithuania, diplomats, representatives of NATO military missions. The humanitarian corridor would be temporarily left for Latvian and Estonian citizens to reach their countries.

2. The number of border control points through which entry into Lithuania can be reduced will be reduced.

3. Lithuanian citizens are prohibited from traveling to the countries affected by the coronavirus by all means of transport. The possibility of banning travel abroad for non-work purposes is also being considered.

4. Trading in stores is prohibited, except grocery stores, pharmacies, specialized veterinary pharmacies, food markets.

5. Cafe and bar activities are prohibited, except take away food service.

6. All public events, both indoors and outdoors, are prohibited.

7. Cruise ships are prohibited from entering the port of Klaipeda.

8. It is forbidden to provide unnecessary services to public administration institutions.

9. Visiting patients in medical institutions, prisoners, in prisons is prohibited.

10. It is prohibited to provide SPA and rehabilitation services, if they are not related to the treatment, the activities of hairdressers and beauty salons are prohibited.

11. The number of passengers on buses and intercity trains will be limited to maintain the required distance between passengers. It is recommended to apply this also to urban transport.

12. Hotels must, if necessary, admit quarantined persons at the expense of the state.

13. Education is provided remotely only.

14. Scheduled surgeries, except for necessary medical assistance, rehabilitation, dental services, scheduled vaccinations will be postponed in medical institutions.

15. The public sector was instructed to work remotely, the private sector was recommended to do so.

If a state of emergency is declared in the country

According to the Law of the state of emergency, “the decision to establish a state of emergency in the entire territory of the state or in a part of it will be taken by the Seimas if there is a threat to the constitutional order or the seriousness of society” .

The law provides:

Article 12. Organization of the public administration during a state of emergency:

1. During a state of emergency, the state and municipal institutions established by the Constitution and other laws and established in accordance with the established procedure shall operate throughout the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.

2. In the cases and in accordance with the procedure established by law, during the state of emergency, direct management may be implemented in the territory of the municipality (municipalities) where the state of emergency has been established, as well as commanders have been constituted. of protection of public order if necessary.

Article 13. Institutions that guarantee the implementation of this Law:

The application of the law of the state of emergency is guaranteed and controlled directly by the following institutions:

1) the authority responsible for emergency or crisis management;

2) commandments for the protection of public order;

3) directors of municipal administrations.

Article 14. Authority responsible for emergency or crisis management:

1. Following an emergency, the authority responsible for emergency or crisis management shall take all necessary measures to achieve the objective of the emergency. The activities of the authority responsible for emergency or crisis management cover the entire territory of the state.

2. The authority responsible for emergency or crisis management will immediately address the causes of the emergency or crisis and organize the protection of people and their property; if necessary, organize the evacuation of the population from the area of ​​natural disasters, catastrophes or armed actions, provide other necessary emergency assistance. The authority responsible for managing an emergency or crisis will make every effort to mitigate the emergency or crisis and address its consequences.

3. When necessary, the authority responsible for emergency or crisis management shall establish and coordinate law enforcement agencies to achieve the objectives of the emergency. When necessary, the authority responsible for emergency or crisis management can call on the services and techniques of other public authorities and provide them with assistance.

Article 17. Use of the military and mobilization reserve in case of emergency:

1. During the state of emergency, the Lithuanian Armed Forces and the Mobilization Reserve may be used, if necessary, in the cases and in accordance with the procedure established by law.

The following emergency measures can be taken during an emergency:

Article 28. Emergency measures are taken during an emergency

1) use of the state reserve in accordance with the procedure established by law;

2) enhanced protection (armed) of important companies, facilities and properties to ensure national security, as well as objects of importance and risk to the state;

3) strengthening the protection of the state border or the coverage of the state border;

4) prohibition of issuing permits for the acquisition of weapons of civil circulation and licenses to trade with them, as well as keeping firearms, ammunition, explosives, radioactive, toxic and other dangerous, explosive substances or media;

5) restriction of the circulation of vehicles (except special purpose vehicles, which eliminate the negative consequences in the territory where the state of emergency has been declared and which have special permits);

6) introduction of the curfew;

7) prohibition to enter the territory where the state of emergency has been established or change the place of permanent residence without a special permit;

8) restriction of the stay and transit of foreigners through the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, tightening of its supervision and visa regime;

9) restriction of non-economic activities and private meetings that bring together more than 50 people when establishing the permit procedure;

10) inspection of vehicles and people and their luggage in order to locate and seize firearms, ammunition, explosives, radioactive and toxic substances and other dangerous substances and devices in illegal possession, identify and arrest offenders, guarantee public order and public order, protect the life of the population, health and property;

11) Seizure or temporary requisition of vehicles, weapons, weapon accessories, ammunition and their parts or other property in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Mobilization and Support to the Host Nation of the Republic of Lithuania to prevent or eliminate extremely consequences dangerous and serious, save lives, health or property. Weapons, accessories, ammunition and their parts that belong to the persons who have the right to possess them may only be seized if information is available that they can be used for criminal purposes;

12) medical or veterinary quarantine is introduced into the territory during a state of emergency;

13) temporary relocation (evacuation) of the population from the territory of the state of emergency;

14) special distribution (supply) of food and other essential goods to the population in the emergency or evacuated territory;

15) if necessary, temporary change in the work regime of companies and other legal entities, reorganization of their economic activities to carry out rescue and reconstruction work. These jobs may be paid in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts;

16) detention of people in accordance with the procedure established by law in order to prevent the spread of communicable diseases of people, the hospitalization and isolation of these people and their treatment. The peculiarities of involuntary hospitalization, isolation and treatment of patients and persons suspected of being ill, who have been in contact with a sick person, the carrier of the pathogen or the transmitting factors of the pathogens and the carriers of the pathogens will be established by law. ;

17) determination of the maximum wholesale and (or) retail prices of goods and (or) services necessary for residents, institutions and state and municipal establishments, other institutions and economic entities and other necessary restrictions on the sale or provision of these assets in accordance with the procedure established by law.

After receiving the authority to act and take office from the government headed by I. Šimonytė on Friday, the Prime Minister herself said that she would first meet with health care experts to discuss the handling of the pandemic. He made no secret of the fact that the new quarantine restrictions could take effect starting this weekend.

A. Dulkys: we are on the brink of an emergency

Asked whether the country will consider introducing a state of emergency that allows the adoption of the strictest restrictions, the new Minister of Health, Arūnas Dulkys, assured this Friday that this would be the worst scenario to come.

“I cannot answer that question. I just want to say that if we divide the whole process into four scenarios, what you mention is already the fourth, the worst case. We are already on the verge of that,” said the future minister.

A. Dulkys also mentioned that the prime minister-designate, Ingrida Šimonytė, promises, after the Government’s oath on Friday afternoon, to urgently convene experts to discuss the management of the situation, and after that she should decide on the first meeting of the Government, where the Cabinet to achieve that goal. “

“We will try to work hours, not days. To my knowledge, even today the Prime Minister will initiate (…) a meeting with experts, where there will be a very wide circle of experts, involving not only the medical communities, but also education. , businesses and other people, “said A. Dulkys.

The designated minister said that concrete follow-up will be discussed with experts and said that at least five key areas will be addressed.

“One thing is directly related to the quarantine and the movement of people, apparently we are going to discuss these issues. The other thing is that vaccination is everything, which is very important for us to solve this problem. The third thing is that we see that there is a threatening situation in the medical institutions and we must attend to the number of beds, distribution, organization of work, ”said A. Dulkys.

According to him, there will also be a discussion on possible solutions in social care institutions and on the processes of the National Center for Public Health, review of work organization, possible new restrictions at points of sale.

A. Dulkys promises decisions about educational institutions later, in consultation not only with health experts but also with education experts.

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