New government, new order: 100% will pay for downtime, but those who receive a € 200 job demand allowance will reject it | Deal


These amendments will be considered by the Government on Wednesday, and then the amendments will go to the Seimas.

They provide that employers who retain their jobs during downtime due to an emergency or quarantine will be reimbursed for all wages accrued and paid to the employee during the downtime.

It may not exceed the amount stipulated in the employment contract prior to the announcement of the downtime. The subsidy will not exceed two monthly minimum wages, or € 1,214 “on paper.”

After raising the minimum wage from January, the two MMAs will be around € 1,284 before taxes. nuotr./Pinigai nuotr./Pinigai

The procedure for subsidizing downtime is changed during the first quarantine, when there is a tendency for employees to be charged a single MMA during downtime.

“(…) therefore, the bill seeks to link the amount of the salary subsidy paid to the employer with the salary earned by the employee before the downtime,” indicates the explanatory memorandum of the project.

Although current legal regulation allows the employer to pay more than one MMA, there are not enough incentives for the employer to pay, the ministry says.

So far, at the employer’s choice, the state has subsidized the salary of an employee who is paralyzed in two ways: 70 percent. of salary, but not more than € 910.5 gross (or 1.5 MMA), or 90 percent. of the employee’s earned salary, but not more than 607 euros gross (or 1 MMA).

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Employee

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Employee

Reduce the circle of recipients of 200 euros

The amendments to the Employment Law also aim to reduce the list of people who receive a job search allowance of € 200.

If the amendments are adopted, the benefit will be granted only to Lithuanian residents active in the labor market, who worked before the pandemic and were laid off after the introduction of an emergency or quarantine situation.

The benefit will be available to those who work in sectors that were restricted during the pandemic, as well as to the self-employed who cannot continue due to an emergency or quarantine.

The job search subsidy would not be granted to students, students of vocational schools, who enrolled in the Employment Service solely for the job search subsidy.

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Employment Service

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Employment Service

€ 200 will not be available for inactive people who reject the employment services offered by the Employment Service or participate in active labor market policies and may participate in illegal activities, caregivers who are covered by health insurance and have registered with the Employment Service only for this benefit while receiving other benefits. benefits related to care, and all other people who did not work before the announcement of the quarantine, receive other state support, registered with the Employment Service, although they do not intend to actively seek work and get a job.

The work search allowance you belong to would also be paid one month after the emergency or quarantine.

Some economists claim that this € 200 aid has contributed to the growth of unemployment statistics.
