New fantasy: PCR tests will damage the brain and “implant” the hydrogel


Test sticks do not reach the brain

Last week, a Facebook user posted a terrifying message: “An analysis of the rods from the COVID PCR assay conducted in a Slovak hospital confirms that this is a comprehensive, thoughtful and carefully crafted project.

The staff of the Bratislava Hospital conducted a study on PCR test sticks.

They concluded that tests with cotton swabs that are inserted through the nose into the brain are designed to implant DARPA (nanotechnology) hydrogel in your body. “

This study is said to have been conducted in 2020. November – 2021 fight using tests from three companies. A reference to the study results has been added.

The results of the study are questioned by the conspiracy theory already mentioned in this post, that the brain can also be damaged by COVID-19 tests.

One of the liars who relied on him was inspired by a fragment of a drawing from an ancient Egyptian procedure in which a stick is inserted into a person’s nose.

Saulius Ročka, director of the Center for Neurosurgery at the Vilnius University Hospital Santara Clinics, a doctor of medical sciences, dismissed concerns about possible brain damage by taking a PCR smear from the nasopharynx.

Conspiracy Theory Conspirators Uncovered a Connection Between Ancient Egyptian Art and COVID-19 Testing, But Made a Mistake

Conspiracy Theory Conspirators Uncovered a Connection Between Ancient Egyptian Art and COVID-19 Testing, But Made a Mistake

“Is it possible to pierce the brain by inserting a stick into the nose? The same probability of stabbing any part of the head with a stick sticks to the brain is only possible if there is a hole there.

Such a hole can only occur due to an extremely rare congenital developmental disorder that a normal person does not have. In that case, if we could still hit that hole with a stick, then yeah, maybe it’s possible to pierce the brain, ”the professor said of the possibility of brain damage.

He explained that the possibility of brain damage during a PCR test could exist unless a person had a birth defect.

“The structure of the nose has nothing to do with the brain. There, inside, there is still a bone.

In that case, if there was a birth defect and there was no bone there, maybe it would be possible. However, there may be two or three people in all of Lithuania with such birth defects. Even if you insert the test stick very deeply, it is impossible to damage the brain. “

He quotes a well-known popularizer of conspiracy theories.

Exactly the same statements and even more relevant information about the Slovak study can be found on the website of an Australian yoga teacher.

“Warning: COVID-19 tests are not what you think!” approved in an entry posted in early May, so it can be assumed that it was the origin of the aforementioned mixture.

Facebook Screenshot / Facebook User Fears PCR Testing Dangerous

Facebook Screenshot / Facebook User Fears PCR Testing Dangerous

“Very disturbing news from Slovakia, where Bratislava hospital staff (by the way, unspecified – Past ed.). Performed a PCR test” instrument “.

“This is a comprehensive, thoughtful and carefully prepared action,” the website said. study report published information can be verified by anyone with a standard school microscope.

The researchers were surprised by the DARPA hydrogel and nylon fibers in the test rods.

Both the post on this website and the report contain a series of photographs showing test swabs taken under a microscope.

Scanpix / AP Photo / Coronavirus Detection in the United States

Scanpix / AP Photo / Coronavirus Detection in the United States

“The ‘job’ of these irregularly shaped fibers is to damage the epithelium, the top layer of the mucous membrane,” explains the yoga teacher’s website. And here, too, it is terrifying that such a hydrogel with lithium, which is also present in the tests, this conclusion is probably drawn from last year’s deliberationsthat lithium with antiviral properties could be used to treat COVID-19 supposedly penetrating the human body “near the brain.”

Its main objective is Pineal gland, located in the brain. This small, oval-shaped organ responsible for the production of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin thrives best in children.

In the seventh year of life, it begins to disappear, at which point connective tissue is formed.

The pineal gland atrophies even before puberty.

The text also states that the hydrogel in the PCR tests “completely killed the red blood cells.” In addition, it “instantly forms blood clots.”

Finally, the hydrogel, along with lithium, remains “in the nasal mucosa, under the pituitary gland and in the pineal gland.”

Photo from Shutterstock / Blood test

Photo from Shutterstock / Blood test

These findings are illustrated not only with “study” photos, but also with videos that supposedly confirm the harmfulness of the tests. One of these registries says that the hydrogel is also present in FFP2 type masks, which gradually release it, so that a person inhales this substance.

In another post, the language is known vaccine opponent, a conspiracy theory conspirator, American physician Rashid Buttar, who was threatened with losing his license for his unprofessional behavior.

Lastly, links to an “alternative news website dedicated to the truth, […] that will liberate, enlighten, inspire and awaken us ”, the research report, which is also mentioned in the Lithuanian Facebook post, and some of the most inactive or insecure links to articles on various websites.

It is not the scientists who publish, but the spiritual community.

There is no official information on the Internet about such a study confirming the harmfulness of PCR tests.

The results of the supposed Slovak analysis are not published on the website of the hospital or university that carried it out, nor in a scientific journal, but on the page of the spiritual community “Goloka”.

Facebook Screenshot / Claims about the dangers of PCR testing are supported by material distributed by the spiritual community

Facebook Screenshot / Claims about the dangers of PCR testing are supported by material distributed by the spiritual community

This community promotes a holistic lifestyle that is appropriate for a person who renounces all-encompassing control and seeks personal freedom. This is in line with the statement about a “global project” in the aforementioned Facebook post. Skeptics of COVID-19 are actively spreading the fiction that this disease is part of a great conspiracy to take over the whole world.

The same philosophy is shared by the aforementioned yoga teacher Dawn Kelly. Hee offers a strong load of your intuition and participate in an “Inner Intuition Compass Online Basics”.

Develop advanced technology

DARPA is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defense. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). She is responsible for the development of new advanced technologies for the military.

It was founded in 1958. by the decision of President Dwight Eisenhower in response to the launch of the Sputnik 1 satellite by the Soviet Union a year earlier, for the country to start rather than fall victim to strategic technological surprises.

In collaboration with scientists, industry, and government, DARPA initiates, conducts, or implements research and projects to expand the frontiers of technology and science. Hee contributed to high-precision weapons and intelligence, the development of voice recognition technology, the development of the Internet, computer graphics and translation programs, the development of Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers to make them small enough to be used on many devices.

Photo from fighting coronavirus

Photo from fighting coronavirus

DARPA is currently working closely with not only the Department of Defense, but also the Department of Health, other government agencies, scientists, and industry to overcome COVID-19 as soon as possible.

Among other things, the agency helped developing a system that would allow the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Marines in near real time, and also confirmed the high potential for reinfection. The model he developed helped predict the severity of COVID-19 (mortality from this disease was predicted up to 87.5 percent. precision). Together, tests are being developed to help diagnose the disease from saliva or ambient air.

Funded by DARPA sensoriaus, which can help track the body’s fight against infections (not necessarily COVID-19). This sensor is a 3mm long hydrogel pack that is used in some contact lenses and implants.

This, with a special molecule that sends a fluorescent signal, is injected under the skin with a simple syringe and “feels” the disease before symptoms such as coughing appear. The other part of the device, the electronic component, would be attached to the skin and could report an infection by interacting with the sensor.

This sensor has been developed to monitor the health of soldiers deployed in dangerous areas in real time. While it also helps diagnose COVID-19, it has nothing to do with PCR testing.

The post was prepared in 15 minutes. in collaboration with Facebook, which aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.
