New: Employers must inform all foreigners working in Lithuania


This innovation will help to ensure proper control of foreigners’ accounting, quota setting, as well as movement. After identifying all the working citizens in the country, we will be able to carry out a more detailed follow-up of the labor market, evaluate the labor market situation and anticipate its changes ”, explained Ernesta Varnaitė, specialist of the Division of Organization for the Implementation of Service Measures of Employment. .

According to the notification, employers will also have to submit a notification in cases where a foreigner works abroad on their behalf or is sent to Lithuania for temporary work (a posted worker).

Notification of employed foreigners shall be required no later than one business day prior to that person’s employment day and no later than one business day prior to the commencement of the posted employee’s work in Lithuania.

Employers must provide this information to the State Labor Inspectorate and the Employment Service through the Sodra EDAS system. It will be necessary to complete the notifications in the form of foreigners working in Lithuania (LDU) (until February 28 – LDU version 01, from March 1 – LDU version 02). The notification should only be sent electronically, signed with a secure electronic signature, developed by a secure signature creation device, and validated by a valid qualified certificate.

Another novelty is to present a revised LDU report as of March 1. it will also be necessary if the basis of the foreigner’s legal stay in Lithuania changes. In this case, the employer must submit a revised LDU notice within one business day from the day of receipt of the information on the change in the basis of the alien’s legal stay. The adjustment will also be necessary if the term of the employment contract changes or the employment contract is terminated earlier than stated in the notice. In this case, the employer must submit a revised LDU notice within one business day from the change of the employment contract period or the termination of the employment contract.

Sodra, having received information on LDU from employers or companies to which posted workers are sent, will transmit it to the Employment Service and the State Labor Inspectorate through its information system, no later than the next business day after receiving information.

The Employment Service shall submit to the Immigration Department the information received on the employment of foreigners referred to in paragraphs 2-9 of article 11 of the Law on the Legal Status of Foreigners no later than the next business day from the day information reception.

The amendments to the LDU form have clarified the procedure for providing information on posted employees to Lithuanian companies; From now on, employers accepting posted employees will have to indicate in the notification these working conditions (working time and rest, length of annual leave, salary) as they will be working in Lithuania.

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