New Covid-19 chimneys: spread in kindergartens, companies and families


Currently there are 95 cases (of those for which epidemiological studies have been carried out) of cases in which the circumstances of the infection of individuals are not clear, that is, epidemiological studies have shown that people did not go abroad and did not contacted those confirmed. COVID-19 cases.

Cases recorded in outbreaks and outbreaks

Yesterday, new chimneys were registered in Marijampolė county. One outbreak is associated with a food processing company located in the Šakiai district, where 3 cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed. Currently, specialists continue with the epidemiological diagnosis of the outbreak.

Likewise, 4 cases were registered in a housing construction and maintenance company. Focal epidemiological diagnoses are being carried out.

In Marijampolė County, the outbreak currently continues in the Department of Nursing and Supportive Treatment of Vilkaviškis Hospital, where 4 cases were confirmed during the day.

2 cases confirmed yesterday are related to the outbreak in the Department of Psychiatry of the Klaipėda Marine Hospital, located in Švėkšna. The case was approved for 1 employee. Case 1 was also confirmed as secondary.

In Vilnius county, a new outbreak has been detected in Elektrėnai “Pasaka” kindergarten. Here, 2 related cases of coronavirus infection in workers were identified.

At the Mykolas Marcinkevičius Hospital in Vilnius, 2 cases were diagnosed in patients with a focus. The circumstances of the infection are currently being clarified.

2 new COVID-19 cases registered in the Meškuičiai social care unit of the Šiauliai district primary health care center remain in Šiauliai county.

In Panevėžys County, 20 cases were confirmed yesterday at the Plan’s social care center, of which 18 were confirmed for residents of these residences.

During yesterday’s session, 11 cases were confirmed at the Nijolė Genytė social residence located in Pabradė. Of the 11 cases, 9 were approved for residents of these residences.

Furthermore, a case involving a tissue farm in Širvintos district was identified yesterday. The circumstances of the person’s infection are unknown. The infected person states that he did not communicate with other sick people and is not involved in the recorded outbreaks. During the last 2 weeks, the patient did not bring animals from abroad nor did he buy animals brought from abroad. Other people working on the farm have no symptoms and their well-being is monitored. The sick person himself did not have a high-risk exposure to these workers. At present the well-being of tissues is also monitored, no changes have been registered.

There were 69 cases related to outbreaks in families on the last day in Lithuania, based on currently available data.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .
