New coronavirus outbreaks are all over Lithuania: the situation in several companies is worrying


The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports on the outbreaks of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection recorded in Lithuania during the previous day.

There were 2002 individuals isolated in the last day, out of a total of 98,208 people in isolation, including those confirmed with COVID-19.

There are currently 243 cases (of those for which epidemiological studies have been carried out) of cases in which the circumstances of the infection of the individuals are not clear, that is, epidemiological studies have shown that the people did not go abroad and did not communicated with confirmed COVID-19 cases.

Cases recorded in outbreaks

On Saturday a new outbreak was registered in the parish residence of Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis in Mielagėnai, which operates in the Ignalina district. Yesterday 17 cases of coronavirus contagion were confirmed, of which 11 are employees and 6 are residents of the institution. A total of 20 COVID-19 cases confirmed Friday and Saturday have been linked to the outbreak.

A new outbreak was also recorded yesterday in the Varėna nursing home: 13 cases of coronavirus infection associated with the outbreak were confirmed, of which 11 are residents and 2 employees.

A new outbreak was also registered in the Visaginas Social Assistance Home, where 10 cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed yesterday. All people are residents. A total of 11 infections have been associated with the outbreak, based on currently available data.

On Saturday, a new outbreak occurred in St. Clara in a nursing home. A total of 5 cases of coronavirus infection associated with the outbreak are estimated.

A new outbreak was also recorded in the Kaunas kindergarten “Volungėlė”, where a coronavirus infection was confirmed in two employees (the number of people exposed is being adjusted). Another new outbreak was detected in the “Pušelė” childcare center in Kazlų Rūda, where a coronavirus infection was confirmed in two employees (employees do not work with children, no high-risk workers were identified in the work environment).

10 cases of COVID-19 registered yesterday are related to the outbreak in the Padvariai welfare home in the Kretinga district. All people are residents. Since mid-December, 63 outbreaks of coronavirus infection have been reported.

Yesterday 6 cases of infection were registered in the Gedrimai branch of the Telšiai district nursing home, of which 5 are residents and one employee.

Cases were also reported last day related to outbreaks at a sewing company in Kaunas, a fish processing company in Raseiniai, a security company in Jonava, a furniture manufacturing company in Šilutė, a wood processing company in Klaipėda, a heat supply company in Kazlų Rūda, food industry companies in Vilnius and the Vilnius district.

In addition, an outbreak continues at the Marijampolė Correctional Center, where a total of 54 employees and 130 inmates were confirmed to have a coronavirus infection.

Furthermore, on the last day there were cases (two or more each) related to outbreaks in the Ilguva social care home in Šakiai district, Suvalkija social care home in Marijampolė district, Vilkaviškis district located in the nursing home Didvyžiai, Švenčionys District Adutiškis Nursing Home, Vilnius Antaviliai Pension Welfare Home.

On Saturday, COVID-19 disease cases related to outbreaks were also reported in Pakruojis Fire and Rescue Service, Tauragės vandenys company, Vilnius ambulance brigades and Trakai Obelėlė kindergarten-kindergarten.

On the last day, 213 cases related to outbreaks in families were registered in Lithuania, according to currently available data.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

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