New cases of Covid-19: chimneys in hospitals, kindergartens, companies are expanding


759 high-risk individuals were isolated on the last day, out of a total of 55,976 individuals in isolation, including people with confirmed COVID-19.

Cases in which the circumstances of the infection of people are not clear, that is, epidemiological studies have shown that people did not go abroad, they did not communicate with confirmed cases of COVID-19, 56 are currently registered.

Cases recorded in outbreaks

Fourteen cases were confirmed yesterday at the UAB Lelija branch, a sewing company based in Šeduva.

Four new cases were confirmed yesterday at a wood processing company located in Marijampolė County. A total of 15 cases have been linked to the outbreak of this company, three of which are secondary.

During the day yesterday, one case per patient and three secondary cases were confirmed in an outbreak related to the Department of Internal Medicine at Vilkaviškis Hospital. A total of 16 cases were identified in this outbreak. Of these, one case per worker was identified, twelve cases were confirmed to the patients, and three secondary cases were also identified.

Two cases were confirmed yesterday in an outbreak at a Marijampolė-based dairy company. A total of 8 cases are associated with this outbreak, of which 2 are secondary. Epidemiological diagnoses are currently being carried out.

Yesterday 3 cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in Marijampolė “Rasa” kindergarten. A total of 4 cases are associated with this outbreak.

1 case of COVID-19 was recorded in a construction company located in Telšiai county. A total of 5 cases were detected in the first brigade of this company and 2 cases in the second brigade. Employees of this company work at a construction site in Vilnius.

The number of cases related to outbreaks in families was recorded on the last day throughout Lithuania, based on currently available data 77.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .
