Neighbors start Euro 2020: Poland – Slovakia Sports


Poland – Slovakia 1: 2
18 ‘Wojciech Szczesny in goal [0:1]In the face of the goalkeeper’s passivity 46 ‘Karolis Linetty [1:1]69 ‘Milan Scriniar [1:2]62 ‘Red card to Grzegorz Krychowiak

69 min. OBJECTIVE! The Slovaks were quick to seize the quantitative advantage and punish the Polish team: after the corner, the ball found itself under the feet of M. Škriniar and the midfielder confidently nails the ball into the Polish goal net. 1: 2.

62 min. Hit to Poland – G.Krychowiakas is penalized with the second yellow card! The midfielder won the first in the first half and was unceremoniously sent off the pitch. After a good start to the second half, the Poles now find themselves in an extremely unenviable position.

51 min. Another chance for K Linetty: this time the Pole hit the ball with M. Dubravka.

46 min. OBJECTIVE! Already in the 30th second of the second half, the Poles are making an astonishing attack, which ended with a goal from K Linetty, which tied the result. eleven!

45 min. The first half is over and Polish fans in St. Petersburg escort their team to the locker room with a whistle. The start of the Polish team at the European Championships is like an unattended sausage on a barbecue in nature.

42 min. Finally, the ball reached R. Lewandowski’s legs in the danger zone, but on hitting, the playing tool did not “stick” to the Polish leg and flew close to the goal.

34 min. G.Krychowiakas tried from 25 meters, the ball flew over the goal.

28 min. What an opportunity for Slovakia! The team that got off to a great start almost increased their lead when J.Kucka got upset from a distance.

18 min. OBJECTIVE! Suddenly, Slovakia advances after a wonderful raid by R. Mak and his strike from an acute angle. The ball flew towards the goal and the Polish goalkeeper W.Szczesny fell into the net. It was the Juventus Turin goalkeeper who scored the goal. A big blow to Polish ambitions at the start of the championship: 0: 1.

14 min. What a dangerous attempt by O.Duda! The ball whistled right off the shaft and rocked the net from outside the gate.

5 minutes. R.Lewandowski had a good chance to score the header, but the home team goalkeeper made the save.

1 minute. Grab chips and other snacks – the game is on!

Starting teams:

Poland (4-3-3): Wojciechas Szczesny, Maciejus Rybusas, Janas Bednarekas, Kamilis Glikas, Bartoszas Bereszynskis, Mateuszas Klichas, Grzegorzas Krychowiakas, Karolis Linetty, Piotras Zielinskas, Robertas Lewandowskis, Kamilis Jozwiakas.

Strategies: Paulo Sousa

Slovakia (4-4-2): Martinas Dubravka, Tomašas Hubočanas, Milanas Škriniaras, Lubomiras Šatka, Peteris Pekarikas, Robertas Makas, Jakubas Hromada, Jurajus Kucka, Lukasas Haraslinas, Marekas Hamšikas, Ondrejus Duda.

Strategist: Štefanas Tarkovičius

Best of 2020 Poland, led by world footballer Robert Lewandowski, intends to repeat or even improve its march in 2016. At the European Championship, when our neighbors were stopped in the quarter-finals by future Portuguese champions.

It was the Portuguese who took the helm of the Polish national team in January; He was firmly arrested by Paulo Sousa, with whom he has high hopes in Poland.

“We know that we represent the whole of Poland. We want to go home smiling. This day is one of the most important of my career as a coach,” said the 50-year-old specialist before the game.

Although the Poles are considered the favorites in the first match, the Slovaks are not prepared to be statisticians in the Saint Petersburg match.

For them, this is only the second European Championship in three decades, and for the first time five years ago, the Slovak team advanced to the eighth final.

“The whole team is ready and motivated for success. This match will be a challenge for us, but guessing on paper means nothing to me. I will be happy if we can leave the square with our heads raised and if we show our fans that we have come here to fight for our country ”, underlined Slovak strategist Štefan Tarkovičius.

This will be the first match of Group E. Tonight at 10 pm Spain will accept Sweden at home in Seville.

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