Nearly 60,000 new cases of COVID-19 have been identified in the U.S., and California is closing


Photo by Robyn Beck (AFP / Scanpix)

The United States confirmed 59,222 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infection on the last day, Johns Hopkins University reported Monday night.

Added more detailed information about the situation in California

As shown at 8 p.m. 30 minutes. According to data released by the University of Baltimore on Tuesday (3:30 pm on Tuesday), the total number of people infected with the new coronavirus in the country most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is more than 3.36 million.

Additionally, an additional 411 patient deaths per day were confirmed, bringing the total number of victims in the United States to 135,582.

Recently, the incidence of infections has intensified in the so-called Sunny Band, in the south of the country, from Florida to California.

As a result, some states have suspended the relaxation of measures to slow the spread of the virus or even tightened the rules.

Bars, gyms and churches nearby

On Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom extended the closure of all local bars and indoor restaurants and ordered the freezing of most gyms, churches, and hair salons, and the country’s most populous state continues to see rapid growth. in the cases of COVID-19.

On July 1, Newsom ordered the closure of bars, restaurants, wineries, zoos and 19 indoor entertainment centers, such as bowling and mini-golf centers in 19 districts where the infection was an outbreak.

The Democratic governor issued the order Monday. It also imposed additional restrictions on 30 counties where the infection is rapidly spreading, including the more populated areas of Los Angeles and San Diego, ordering the cessation of services there and the closure of gyms, hair salons, closed shopping centers, and nonessential businesses.

“The data shows that not everyone follows common sense,” said Newsom, whose order went into effect immediately.

The new restrictions will not apply to schools, which are expected to reopen in much of the state in the near future. But on Monday, California’s largest school districts, San Diego and Los Angeles, announced that their students would start the new school year with exclusive distance learning.

In March, California became the first state to introduce universal quarantine to limit the spread of COVID-19. That decision appears to have paid off as morbidity levels stabilized after a few weeks, although other states found it difficult to cope with the large influx of patients.

However, the measure has dealt a severe blow to California’s economy, considered the fifth largest in the world: so far, more than 7.5 million people have applied for unemployment benefits. persons.

Newsom rushed in May to allow most companies to reopen. However, as in other states that have made similar decisions, the subsequent increase in the number of infections and hospitalizations led him to return some restrictions this month.

The governor compared the strategy of closing and opening his businesses to a “light switch,” emphasizing the need for flexibility while controlling disease dynamics for public health officials.

In California, 8,358 new cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed on Sunday. The number of these cases increased by 47% in the last two weeks, while the number of hospitalizations increased by 28% during the same period.

In total, more than 329,100 infections and more than 7,000 deaths have been reported in the Golden State. However, there are probably more people infected because some people have no symptoms and insufficient testing capacity.

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