Navickienė spoke about the social benefits review: there are still many challenges


“We can only be adequately prepared for crises if, above all, we guarantee sustainable social protection before those crises hit. We also had significant challenges before this pandemic: this is one of the highest at-risk-of-poverty rates in the EU. based on the latest available data, reflecting the level of income in 2018.

At that time, the at-risk-of-poverty rate in Lithuania was 20.6%, while the EU average was 16.5%. Although the trend of poverty and deprivation is decreasing, there are still many challenges, ”said the minister on Tuesday in a debate organized by the National Network of Poverty Reduction Organizations.

Ms. Navickienė also pointed out that Lithuania is lagging behind in terms of income inequality.

“The difference between 20 per cent. Having the highest and 20 per cent. Lithuania, which has the lowest income, is also one of the largest in the EU: according to the latest data, the difference in Lithuania is 6, 4 times and the EU average is 5 times, ”he said.

Monika Navickienė

Monika Navickienė

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

According to the minister, it is currently important to review the relevance of the social services provided in the municipalities.

“I think it is especially important for us to review the social services provided in each municipality to see if those services really meet the need. (…) And I really exhort the municipalities not to be afraid to see that more precise picture, to ask the people who are in the system if the aid is really effective now, “he said.

Ms Navickienė added that the Ministry will seek to “review the regulation of social benefits and bring the lower social benefits closer to the level of minimum consumption needs.”

According to the Minister of Social Security and Labor, more effective employment policies are needed.

“We intend to review the business processes and functions of the Employment Service to achieve an effective employment policy. (…) We believe that the primary mission of the Employment Service should be to work with people who have real incentives to seek work. What if they are about people with different intentions, somehow we should see them through other services and other areas, ”said M. Navickienė.

R. Lazutka: preparing for social security crisis is an opening to accept additional people

The sociologist and economist Romas Lazutka pointed out during the discussion that during the crisis special attention should be paid to helping people who have lost their jobs.

“Preparation for a social security crisis is simply a willingness to accept additional people who lose their jobs and income during a crisis.” … The main focus would be to protect the unemployed and those who have lost their jobs, “he said.

According to the sociologist, to achieve a more sustainable social system in the country, it would be worth considering extending the duration of unemployment benefits.

“We pay unemployment benefits for 9 months, and that is very good. (…) However, we need to cover unemployment benefits for a larger number of unemployed, especially in times of crisis, and, as is well known, many countries are simply facilitating access conditions, reducing the duration of service and extending the payment term to 9 months, because (…) some people will not find work because they simply do not have work, “he said.

Romas Lazutka

Romas Lazutka

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

R. Lazutka pointed out that although unemployment insurance and social support should encourage people to enter the labor market, in the event of a crisis, when more people want to work than vacancies, it becomes almost impossible to do so.

Finally, the sociologist added that “we can prepare for crises and create sustainable social protection, but more are needed.”

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