Navickienė clarifies: the state must ban the unemployed, and not just the unemployed


The SNB wrote that it was argued that the officially registered unemployed should not be automatically covered by state compulsory health insurance (PSD).

“I raise the question whether the really mandatory health insurance tax should be linked to the fact of registering with the Employment Service,” Navickienė said in the Social Democratic faction of Seimas on Thursday.

“The employment service is a place where a person comes to look for work. It is not a social support institution,” added the minister.

According to her, the issue is already being discussed with the Ministry of Health, BNS reported.

The question is how insurance should be available

The Minister of Health, M. Navickienė, affirms that Delfi is misinterpreted, which is hampered by the form of administration through the Employment Service and not by the compulsory medical insurance (PSD) for the unemployed.

“Does it seem to you here that I no longer want to ban the unemployed? On the contrary, I believe that the state should prohibit the unemployed and not just the unemployed. It seems to me that, in general, perhaps we should opt for a universal compulsory health insurance. But my main idea and the question is whether the Employment Service should manage the receipt of contributions to compulsory health insurance ”, says M. Navickienė.

He thinks that PSD should be administered differently and in another institution.

“As for the administration, I ask the question: is the Employment Service really the place where a person who registers receives insurance just for the sake of registering, or should that insurance be available in other ways? This is an issue that I raise and I do not want to say in any way that people who do not have work should not be excluded from the PSD, ”says M. Navickienė.

According to her, only the current administration forces people to register with the Employment Service only to obtain compulsory health insurance.

“Here is a discussion that we need to have with the Ministry of Health, which we will have and begin to talk about. So far, there are no decisions on this issue, the only question is whether it is the most efficient form of administration,” said Delfi. M. Navickienė.

After reviewing the file, we learned that in the Socialist Group, the Minister was talking about the functions of the Employment Service.

“It seems to me that this is one of the key institutions whose mission is to help people find work. This is for those who are motivated to return to the job market, find a job, it should not be another social support system. Since social support is social support, the Employment Service is the Employment Service. And I ask if the compulsory health insurance rate should really be linked to the fact of registering with the Employment Service. Clearly we need to discuss this situation with SAM, it is not just SADM’s prerogative.

But I see that problem in the context of other OCT problems, because we have a large number of so-called active labor market measures in place in the OCTs and to this day I am very interested in taking stock of the success of those measures. . in our PTUs. to return to the labor market, if they have better opportunities and incentives, ”says M. Navickienė.

Navickienė asked the question: “Should all the activities you carry out belong to the Employment Service, such as p. Eg Administration of the insurance part of the PSD fund ”.

Now, all those enrolled in the Employment Service are covered by PSD and the state pays the insurance premiums.

The state also reimburses PSD for women on maternity leave, retirees, under 18s, schoolchildren, students, and people who receive social benefits.

Last year, approximately € 440 per year was paid out of the budget for a person covered by PSD with state funds. Every year the state insures about 1.5 million. population of about 660 million. euros.

Early retirement masks the problem of hiring people

In the Social Democratic faction of Seimas, the minister also said that early pensions mask the problem of employment for older people who cannot find work. M. Navickienė assures that the state’s objective should be to keep these people in the labor market for as long as possible.

“People should be able to stay in the labor market until retirement age. And that should be the main goal here and that is what we should strive for. All other additional measures show that we are masking the problem a bit and trying to find an easier solution ”, said M. Navickienė.

According to her, early retirement is not necessarily the best solution.

In Lithuania, it is now possible to receive an early pension if there are five years left until retirement, the person has accumulated the required time of service and has no other income.

Early retirement has an average of € 280. Last year more than 5.5 thousand received it. population.

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