Navickienė: benefits for the unemployed will be reviewed; some of them may be lost


Monika Navickienė stated in the television program “Section of the day” of that after reviewing the statistics, discrepancies can be found.

“If you look at the unemployment statistics, how many people registered with the Employment Service are unemployed and how many people are actually looking for work, they are very different things.

In Lithuania, we had tailored and inaccurate incentive measures, in which people were further motivated to register with the Employment Service just to receive the benefit, ”said the Minister.

As a result of this stimulus, according to the Minister, students, mothers on parental leave for the third year or people who had worked in the shadows were enrolled in the Employment Service.

“I am convinced that the true mission of the Employment Service is to find a job for the people who want to find it,” said M. Navickienė on

Another problem, noted by M. Navickienė, is that people enroll in the Employment Service only to receive health insurance.

“That system, in my opinion, is quite flawed and distorts the very mission of the Employment Service. I believe <...> The activities should be focused to the maximum to reconcile the need for work and the demand of those people who are registered in the Employment Service ”, said the Minister of Social Security and Labor.

According to the minister, there are currently 11 thousand. vacancies left unfilled due to certain circumstances.

“The employment service must have the main mission of matching supply and demand in the same way: bringing the employer and the employee together,” explained M. Navickienė.

According to M. Navickienė, these problems could be solved when the activities of the Employment Service are reoriented and substantially changed.

“Your mission should be to get a job, find a job, not just get some additional social benefits by registering with the Employment Service and not having incentives to go back to the job market,” the minister said.

For this reason, Ms. Navickienė believes that all benefits should be reviewed in detail.

“If they change, there should be no incentive to stay in the welfare system and return to the labor market, because today we very often see cases where we have people living off welfare just because it is not worth it to be go to work. “, – said M. Navickienė.

It is not beneficial for these people to change their habits and their work, since they would receive the same income or a little more while they worked.

“It seems to me that these cases should not be good examples and perkalibruodami the whole basket of benefits we should be thinking about.

I do not dispute that there are people for whom such benefits are vital and necessary, they must be able to live with dignity as well. However, we must understand that this is a very fine line that we must discover and help those who need it, ”said the Minister.

The Minister wants to encourage others to leave sponsorship and to work and care for themselves or their loved ones.

For the means to achieve this, see the report at the beginning of the article.

The portal previously announced that in the leaked action plan of the Government program, one of the proposals of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor is to increase the fixed part of the social security benefit for unemployment, which is now 149, 39 euros, in connection with the job search benefit, which is 211 86 euros. As a result of such a change, the unemployment insurance benefit would increase for those who have worked and accumulated at least some experience.

“Increase the coverage of beneficiaries of social insurance for unemployment by including the rest of the groups of self-employed in the system of social insurance for unemployment and comprehensively review the unemployment benefits system,” also proposes the ministry in the plan of action.

See the news portal which shows “Section of the day” every business day.
