Navaln published the first photo after discharge from the hospital: I thought they would never release me from here again


In the photo, the man said that when he first looked in the mirror in the intensive care unit after 24 days, he saw a picture of a character from the popular The Lord of the Rings book and film series. “Trust me, I didn’t see myself as an elf at all,” the man wrote, referring to the well-known character Smygola.

“I thought he would never let me get out of here,” said the man.

Navaln says she has already been able to step out onto a shared balcony twice a day for five minutes in recent days. After 32 days in the hospital, the man was released for further treatment at home. The activist says he may already be jumping a bit, but there is still a lot of work to do to regain full coordination, control of the fingers.

In his post, the man says he wants to thank all the doctors at the Charite Clinic who have fought for his life and health.

See this post on Instagram

The first time they took me to the mirror, 24 days later in intensive care (of which 16 were in a coma). A character from the movie “Lord of the Rings” looked at me from the mirror. And believe me, he was not an elf at all. I was terribly upset: I thought I would never be discharged. But the doctors kept doing their miracle, I worked with a physical therapist, I ate, I tried to sleep more (the biggest problem so far). In recent days, I was even allowed to go out on the shared balcony 2 times for 5 minutes a day. It is true that the balcony was even more melancholic: the weather was good, the sun was shining, there were some parks and trees below, and I was in the living room. But the day has come, hooray! After 32 days in the hospital, the doctors decided that further recovery does not require hospital treatment, but the normalization of life. Take a walk, spend time with the family. Get into the routine of daily movements. And now, jump, I’m limping through the park in pants three sizes up. First of all, he asked to take me somewhere where there are trees. The plans remain simple: a physical therapist every day. Possibly a rehab center. Stand on one leg. Regain full control of your fingers. Keep your balance. It’s funny, I dreamed of learning how to ride a wakeboard behind a boat along the wave and I learned this summer. Now I am learning to stand on one leg. All sorts of fun things popped up. For example, I can’t throw the ball with my left hand. I can even catch, but not throw. The brain just doesn’t want to make this move. Or write by hand. Until recently, it didn’t work online. All the time I started in a column. Rehabilitation, in general. Many thanks again to the entire team of doctors at the Charite Clinic and to Professor Eckard personally. They did an incredible job. Thank you all for your support 💪. It was and still is very important. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re writing. As soon as I started thinking more or less, they read the comments to me. By the way, I’ll try to spend a little more time on social media. Yesterday a neuropsychologist came and did tests to see if I was stupid. I ask: what to do to quickly return from the point of view not only physical, but also from the head. I liked the answer: read more, write on social networks. Playing video games. I need to find out if the hospital can get a prescription for PS 5.
A post shared by Alexey Navalny (@navalny) on Sep 23, 2020 at 2:53 amPDT

Berlin Hospital: You may make a full recovery

Alexei Navaln, who, in my opinion, was poisoned by the anti-nerve paralyzing substance Novičiok, was released from a hospital where he was treated for 32 days, reported the Berlin clinic that treated him on Wednesday.

“Based on the patient’s progress and current condition, the treating physicians believe that a full recovery is possible,” the Charite Clinic said in a statement.

However, he adds that it is still too early to assess the long-term consequences of his severe poisoning.

Russia’s most prominent opposition politician, Navaln, felt bad on the plane on August 20, which was flying from Siberia to Moscow. He initially spent two days in a Russian hospital and was later transferred to Germany.

A 44-year-old Kremlin critic was treated in an intensive care unit for 24 days at a Berlin hospital.

On September 2, German officials, based on findings from the country’s military laboratory, announced that traces of poison from the group of nerve-paralyzing substances “Novičiok” were detected in the body of A. Navaln. Material from the same group, according to London, poisoned former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, England in 2018.

France and Sweden subsequently stated that their independent tests confirmed Germany’s findings.

Navaln’s colleagues believe that the use of this banned chemical weapon shows that only the Russian state can be responsible for the poisoning.

European leaders demanded an explanation from Moscow. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that “only Russia can and should” provide answers to the Navaln poisoning.

But the Russian doctors who initially treated Navalnu said their tests showed no toxic substances and the Kremlin rejected international requests for an investigation.

In his first blog post on Monday after waking up from a coma, A. Navalnas wrote that three European laboratories had found “Novičiok” on his body and on the body itself.

He noted that Russia had not yet launched an investigation, but added that it “did not expect anything else.”

Navaln’s aides said last Thursday that German experts had found Novičioko in a bottle of water taken from a hotel room where the opposition was staying.

This bottle appears to be significant evidence in support of Germany’s conclusion that Mr. Navaln was poisoned by the fighters in question.

You will be treated with physical therapy

Russian opposition figure Alexei Navaln, discharged from the Charite Hospital in Berlin, will begin a physiotherapy course and then apply to a rehabilitation center.

“The plans are still simple: a physical therapist every day. Maybe a rehab center. Stand on one leg. Start over with full control of your fingers. Keep your balance. Interestingly, I dreamed of learning to skate after a boat … and I learned it this summer. And now I’m learning to stand on one leg. All kinds of fun things came up. For example, I can’t throw the ball with my left hand. I can even catch and not throw. The brain just doesn’t want to make that move. Or write by hand. Until recently, no lines were received. I started with the spine all the time. Orally, rehabilitation, ”wrote A. Navalnas on his Instagram page on Wednesday.

He thanked the doctors who treated him.

Once again, a big “thank you” to the entire team at the Charite clinic and to the professor personally. [Kai-Uwe] Eckardtui. They did an incredible job. Thank you all for your support, ”he wrote.

Kremlin: Navaln may return to Russia

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navaln could return to Russia, the Kremlin said after Navaln was discharged from a hospital in Berlin on Wednesday to receive treatment with Novičiok, a drug that paralyzes the nerves.

“Due to his return to Moscow, like any other Russian citizen, he can do so at any time,” Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, was quoted as saying by Russian news agencies.

A 44-year-old Kremlin critic and anti-corruption activist was poisoned last month. Navaln lost consciousness on a plane flying from Tomsk to Moscow and was transferred to Berlin a few days later at the Omsk Hospital.

He spent 32 days in a Berlin hospital, 24 of which were in the intensive care unit.

According to Germany, toxicological studies “conclusively prove” that A. Navaln was poisoned with “Novičiok” material, which in Salisbury in 2018. Former double agent Sergei Skripal was also poisoned.

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