Nauseda wrote a response to Putin: Russia must meet five conditions to resume dialogue


“It is much easier to deny the past than to correct it,” wrote Titas Livijus. The past can still be silenced or falsified. However, this is not the right way to “be open”, as Russian President Vladimir Putin suggests to Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Poland. World War II did not begin 80 years ago, but almost 82 years ago, on August 23. From 1939, when the Kremlin signed a non-aggression treaty between the USSR and Germany, accompanied by secret protocols on the division of Europe. And at that time, the USSR was an aggressor, not a victim. This is a past that we will never let ourselves forget, ”says G. Nausėda’s comment.

The president noted that World War II did not end in 1945 for Lithuania and the other Baltic states. Anti-Soviet armed resistance continued for another ten years, in which Lithuania lost more than 20,000 of its bravest sons and daughters. Hundreds of thousands of Lithuanians were deported to Siberia, with many of them returning to their homeland in coffins or relaxing forever in the Arctic.

“This struggle, of which little is known in Western societies, has laid the foundation for civic resistance: Helsinki groups formed in the 1970s informed the West of human rights abuses in the USSR; priests and nuns This struggle brought Lithuania to Sąjūdis and Independence, it is a past that we will never forget.

Today we see aggressive attempts to rebuild the USSR. Recreating the past with the same ideology of the last century: the division of Europe into spheres of influence, lack of respect for the sovereignty of nations or the territorial integrity of states, strict “no” human rights, freedom of expression, media independent communication partners. And this is definitely not a way to “be open,” wrote G. Nausėda.

As, according to the head of state, there is no adequate way of calling “being open”, using the rhetoric of the owner of a fortified fortress, where from the tower, as far as the eye can see, only the enemy is seen, not to mention of your own imagination.

“During the last 3 months, I have visited Ukraine, Sakartvele and Moldova, the countries of the Eastern Partnership of the European Union, whose people have decided to associate their future with democracy and not with the reincarnation of the USSR. I spoke with wounded soldiers in a Kiev hospital. I visited refugees from South Ossetia in Sakartvele. One of them said that for 13 years he had been dreaming of going home to his garden.
Are these the people who have been forced to turn away from Russia and turn to the European Union and NATO? No, they are people who have been forced to leave their homes. They were compelled by the Russian army.
So let’s be open: there is no “past despite.” That “past” still continues: in the Crimea, Donbass, South Ossetia, Transnistria. That “past” evaporates with Novičioku in Salisbury or Polon in London. That “past” echoes the explosions in the Czech Republic, “said G. Nausėda.

Today, according to the president, “this past is more modern, armed with new technologies, testing new forms of ideological and information warfare. Try to influence election results and prepare cyber attacks. But it’s still a past: aggressive, cynical, and hypocritical. With the aim of dividing and ruling. “

“It just came to our attention then. Not only Ukraine or Sakartvel are threatened. Not only for the Baltic countries. Not only those who were caught in the clutches of the Soviet empire and therefore, now, according to someone, they should belong forever. to the Kremlin rulers. “The entire Western system, democratic cohesion and values ​​are threatened,” said G. Nausėda.

Believe that the West is able to resist

According to the Lithuanian head of state, the West is capable of resisting.

“Therefore, we must strengthen the defense structures of the West, first of all NATO. We need to maintain a strong transatlantic link. The United States is a like-minded ally, not a competitor of Europe. We need more resources for defense. Russia’s military spending exceeds 50 billion. It is rapidly modernizing its military industry. NATO countries have only pledged 2% since 2014. GDP for defense spending. Not much and it is an honor for everyone to implement this agreement.

But non-military power is decisive. The key question is whether we will stick together and what we will choose when we are offered a deal. And it will definitely offer it. Already between the lines offers. Let’s build new relations between the West and Russia, whatever happens. What do we choose? Gas or the nation’s right to free choice? Oil or freedom of expression? The market “from Lisbon to Vladivostok” or the garden of a 13-year-old refugee dreamer? “Asked G. Nausėda.

The president wrote that for his country, as for many other European countries, which have not forgotten the past and are seeing attempts to restore it again, the choice is simple.

Will it be that simple for everyone? I think so, because the European Union is based on democratic values. Russia respects strong partners. If the European Union wants to cooperate at any price, without preconditions, those conditions will be dictated by Russia. Last week’s meeting of European Union leaders showed that Europe is united today to send a message to Russia. With the continued occupation of Crimea, we cannot resume the war “as usual” in Donbas, wrote G. Nausėda.

According to the President of Lithuania, the truth is important when we talk about the past.

“The demonstrations in Kiev in 2014 were not a coup, and the annexation of Crimea was not a simple ‘secession’ from Ukraine. The consequences of past crimes must be rectified. Not silenced, not falsified, not forgotten, but Only then will the past really become the past.

Therefore, to resume the dialogue, Russia must first meet certain conditions. Return Crimea to Ukraine, end the war in Donbass, withdraw troops from Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Free the political prisoners. Allow the independent media to act.

My dream is a democratic and peaceful Russia in the family of European nations. Lithuanians saw such a Russia 30 years ago. Russia, which in turn invaded the USSR. Russia, which helped Lithuania during the bloody events of January 1991. Russia, whom we respect and respect. And I think that Russia is not a thing of the past. It is the future, ”wrote G. Nausėda.

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