Nausėda: “We must fight against inequality, social exclusion”


“Lithuanian voters have chosen what they want to see at the helm of the state for the next four years. <...> “We will soon have a responsible job: to form a government that is sustainable, has strong political support and can carry out real rather than paper-based reforms,” ​​the president said.

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PHOTO GALLERY. President Gitanas Nausėda press conference

The defense of society, not narrow interest groups, the determination to seek change in the most important areas, absolute attention to the person, competence and honesty, criteria that G. Nausėda claims to apply to members of the new Cabinet of Ministers.

“The spread of coronavirus in Europe and Lithuania is becoming increasingly difficult to control, so new and great challenges await us all,” said G. Nausėda.

According to him, the smooth transfer and seizure of power are especially important at this time.

“There is simply no time for the post-election euphoria. The new government must immediately have a very clear pandemic management plan and a team ready to carry it out. There will be a job that will not wait and I, as head of State, I promise to contribute with all my strength ”, emphasized the President.

Increase funding for defense, strengthen culture.

According to G. Nausėda, the welfare state is the most important unfinished work of the independence period.

“I am sure that we must put an end to inequality, social exclusion and social opposition. Guarantee high quality and equally accessible public services, to invest in the future of all. This means that the welfare state must be a strong state , fair, green and innovative of the European Union ”, said G. Nausėda.

The first characteristic of the welfare state that the president will strive for is that Lithuania must be strong. According to the head of the country, only in a stable and strong state can the abilities of all its people be revealed. According to G. Nausėda, every effort should be made to ensure the smooth and continuous functioning of state institutions and constant cooperation.

President Gitanas Nausėda press conference

“We must continue to fight for energy independence, strengthen infrastructure, create additional connections with Western Europe.” We must pursue an active foreign policy aimed at Euro-Atlantic integration and preservation of peace, and the spread of democratic values ​​in neighboring countries. “said the president.

The head of state indicated that he will endeavor to increase the share of GDP destined to financing national defense to 2.5%. Currently, according to the agreement signed by the parties, 2% goes to the defense of the country.

“I believe that we must first take care of the security of our country ourselves”, is convinced G. Nausėda.

Another characteristic of a strong state, according to the president, is a strong culture that, in the president’s words, is the guarantor of originality, self-esteem, economic progress and social well-being.

Students among the most advanced in the world

Another criterion of the welfare state elaborated by G. Nausėda is that it must be fair.

“Going towards a state of well-being, in my deep conviction, means eradicating exclusion among people. Exclusion, which in our reality is really a lot. It’s too much, “said the president.

According to him, people become an obstacle due to their “emerging frontier” due to their social condition, origin, age or disability.

Speaking of social justice, the president pointed out that it is not enough to focus solely on state financial support, but solutions must be found to expand social services, create favorable conditions in the labor market and promote employment.

President Gitanas Nausėda press conference

“Change must start from the kindergarten and the school bench. The uncomfortable truth is that our students’ achievements are increasingly determined by where they live and who their parents are. Inequalities in the education system prevent many young people spread their talents. That is why our children suffer, that is why we all suffer, “said G. Nausėda.

The President assured that he considers education a priority, therefore, with the “Equal Start” initiative, he seeks to expand the availability of kindergartens for children from families at social risk. According to him, quality educational content should be accessible to everyone.

“I believe that education is an area in which all political forces can and must agree. Therefore, I will endeavor for the parties to establish their long-term commitment to the next generation in a national agreement, as we have done in the defense field, ”said the President.

According to the president, his ambition is for the country’s students to be among the top 20 countries in the world in a decade.

Western pensions, higher salaries for regional residents

The coronavirus, according to the president, has also shown gaps in healthcare. Mr. Nausėda argued that it was necessary to restore the uninterrupted provision of high-quality health services as soon as possible, to prepare for mass vaccination, but also to fundamentally strengthen the health care system.

The president said that the sense of justice in society is also affected by inequality. According to G. Nausėda, one out of every five inhabitants of the country currently lives below the poverty line.

“They are one of us, not only passers-by on the streets, but also our parents, neighbors, elderly relatives, childhood friends, families with children creating the future of the country,” said G. Nausėda.

According to him, we could speak of a fairer state if the ratio between the income of the population with the highest and lowest incomes does not exceed 5 times. The president said the goal would be to ensure that the coronavirus pandemic does not have long-term negative effects on social exclusion and poverty.

“Pensions must be increased faster in order for their size to meet Western European standards. As a result, I have proposed and will present the necessary amendments to the law in the future,” said the President.

President Gitanas Nausėda press conference

G. Nausėda pointed out that Lithuania also needs a fairer tax system, in which there are no unjustified tax inequalities derived from reserves.

According to G. Nausėda, regional policy is also important. As a result, the president will strive for the salaries of the inhabitants of the regions to reach at least 85 percent. wages of people who work in the capital.

According to G. Nausėda, Lithuania must also be green. The president noted that the goal is to create a climate neutral economy with other EU countries.

“We will not be successful if we keep looking back and looking for ways to circumvent the strict requirements,” the president said.

According to the president, everyone can contribute to change: choose a bicycle instead of a car, forgo plastic bags, choose products from local farmers.

The president launched the Green Lithuania Initiative. Mr. Nausėda noted that he would require that all state decisions be evaluated in the context of the environment and climate change.

President Gitanas Nausėda press conference

“The welfare state is the people who depend not only on a culture of trust, but create it themselves. <...> “Let’s not believe those who say that everything in our country is wrong,” said the president.

According to the president, these objectives can be achieved in a period, except in education. According to G. Nausėda, goals in the field of education can be achieved in a decade. The president assured that after a meeting with party leaders, he was optimistic that a national agreement on education would be signed. According to G. Nausėda, this can also happen early next year.

We remind you that on Monday, the President congratulated the Conservatives on their victory in the Seimas elections and wished Ingrida Šimonyte success in her post as Prime Minister. However, G. Nausėda noted that he expects the new government to implement the welfare state and is ready to put forward three main criteria for the new ministers. The president has promised to actively participate in the formation of a new government.

“Today I met with the leaders of the parties represented in parliament and during these meetings I can affirm that both the parties of the ruling coalition and the future opposition parties, their representatives, have already forgotten about the electoral battalions and are ready to work constructively, “Nausėda told reporters.

The president assured that he had congratulated the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union (TS-LKD) for its victory in the elections.

“When this party put forward its candidate for Prime Minister Ingrid Šimonytė, I think it is completely logical to wish Ingrida Šimonyte success in the post of Prime Minister, but until then, of course, all the necessary work must be done to form a coalition and share ministerial portfolios, “he said.

According to the country’s president, his criteria for future ministers are experience, political will, and the ability to make the necessary changes in the leadership sector during the term.
