Nausėda: The list of ministers presented does not yet mean ministerial portfolios


“I think this government faces two challenges. First the fire has to be put out, and that fire is related to the spread of the pandemic, that is, stopping and then overcoming the pandemic. However, we all understand that the coronavirus is something temporary, and once our struggle, which will undoubtedly be successful, we will move on to long-term challenges.

Therefore, today we must have a very clear plan for what we want to do in the next four years for the benefit of Lithuania’s transformation: for Lithuania to become a green, innovative and attractive country to live in. Therefore, I will demand from each candidate for minister not only an algorithm for immediate action in each area, but also a vision of what Lithuania sees in its area of ​​regulation. I believe that by raising the highest standards of decency, professionalism and experience, we will have a hard-working government that will respond to the challenges facing Lithuania, ”said G. Nausėda.

The head of state refused to allow detailed evaluations of the nominated candidates.

The nominations that are on the table today are not final yet, since we must first obtain the approval of the Prime Minister, and this list is so pending that we will meet with all the nominees for ministers, we will have an in-depth conversation, (…) and then we will decide. This list does not have already issued passports, ministerial portfolios, it is a fairly planned meeting plan with each of the candidates. Only after the meetings will I be able to answer the question whether one person or the other is suitable for that portfolio or not. “Said G. Nausėda.

Youth is not considered a problem

The president does not consider the candidates a lack of youth.

“You know, as they say, youth is a defect that disappears quickly. You don’t even have to do something special, it goes away on its own. For me, youth is not a defect. I really believe that youth has a great advantage: I have also seen much older people with fiery eyes, who have passion, and that passion is especially characteristic of youth. Therefore, passion, creativity and, at the same time, at least a certain life experience, are the qualities that will not really hinder the performance of the functions of a minister, ”said G. Nausėda.

According to the president, this would be hampered by the “shadows”, the “queues” that have existed in the past of one or the other candidate.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I will not hide that we will also talk about what happened, which makes the candidates uncomfortable today, or we see certain problems as a result,” said G. Nausėda.

He stressed the importance of teamwork

Speaking specifically about the personality of I. Šimonytė, the head of the country highlighted many positive qualities, but at the same time emphasized the importance of teamwork.

“I have known Ingrid for quite some time. Even when she was working as chief economist, we interacted as she was the Deputy Finance Minister, she attended various conferences. I like her simple way of speaking. Ingrida knows how to express thoughts well and I am sure of who knows how to react well to a situation, that is, see changes in the situation and make the right decisions accordingly.

However, no matter how positive the qualities are, it is still teamwork. I sincerely hope that I. Šimonytė, who is likely to become Prime Minister soon, understands this perfectly. You can do a lot of work and 24 hours. working by the day, but still, the ultimate success is determined by the choice of the team and the teamwork, ”said G. Nausėda.

The president is convinced that teamwork must extend beyond the government.

“We all need to feel like a kind of team: the president, the presidency, the government, the Seimas. If we succeed, I think the results will be much better than in the other scenario,” said G. Nausėda.

Nominated by Šimonytė

On Thursday, the president presented the candidacy of Ingrida Šimonytė, 46, to the Seimas for the post of prime minister.

Non-partisan I. Šimonytė is nominated for the post of prime minister by a center-right coalition, consisting of conservatives, liberals and the Freedom Party. They have 74 seats out of 141 in the Seimas, BNS recalled.

Born in Vilnius, I. Šimonytė has an education in economics, has worked in the Ministry of Finance from economist to secretary, deputy minister and finally finance minister. He held the last post in the government of conservative Andrius Kubilius in 2009-2012. After that, I. Šimonytė worked at the Bank of Lithuania for three years, taught at Vilnius University, until 2016, when he entered parliament with the Christian Democrats of the Lithuanian National Union.

The prime minister says she speaks English, Polish, Russian and Swedish, as her hobbies point to books.

According to the Statute of the Seimas, when the president presents his candidacy, the candidate has the floor and answers questions. The appointment of the Prime Minister is then referred to the political groups. Your candidacy must be considered within a maximum period of two business days.

No later than one week after the presentation of the Prime Minister’s candidacy, another session of the Seimas will be convened to make a decision on the nomination presented.

The decision to approve the candidacy of the Prime Minister is taken by a simple majority of votes in open voting.

The Prime Minister, no later than 15 days after his appointment, will present to the Seimas the Government formed by him and approved by the President, and will submit the program of this Government for consideration.

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