Nausėda: The Kremlin accepts our negotiating positions as a sign of weakness


“It is not a secret”

Economic sanctions against Russia have already become routine, RESC chief Linas Kojala said in the discussion. He posed the question, perhaps it is time to move on to tougher solutions?

“There are still many more effective tools in this arsenal that can be adapted. At this point, it is necessary to find a compromise between the EU countries, because now we are debating with different voices. (…) We tried to speak and be much more united then. As in the case of the Czech Republic in the 2014 attack, we all understand the threat we face when we see how brutal, cynical it is, then everyone reacts, ”the president said in the RESC debate.

He said that a return to “normal dialogue or behavior” for Russia would be a more beneficial way for absolutely everyone.

“Looking to the future, we are not using our entire arsenal, we will return to those issues. But when you say that sanctions work, yes, they work. And when the Kremlin is very aware that it is working, affecting their economies, they have the option to go back to normal dialogue and behavior, or keep isolating yourself. In my opinion, the first path is much more promising and beneficial for absolutely everyone, including Russia. But for some reason, that’s why highly imperial Ambitions by no means leave the head of the Kremlin rulers, the second path has been chosen.

The worst thing is that it is trying to convince the public that this is the way of Russia: isolate itself, defend with force the great values, treat the outside world as an enemy, “said the head of state in the RESC discussion.

The head of state said that the desire not to leave the negotiating table indicates weakness.

“Some say we need to establish red lines. But I say that it has long been overcome. Simply by demonstrating dignity and the desire not to leave the negotiating table at any cost, we are, in a sense, sending an opponent that intimidation can force him to cower. And this is accepted as a kind of sign of weakness. It is not a secret, “said the president.

He said that it was necessary to assess the situation in principle.

“At this point, I never tire of looking for that possible consensus to try. But consensus is not possible as long as what happens in Donbass is carried out, while Crimea is annexed and attempts are made to make it a new norm, there is intense interference in the affairs of Belarus. We cannot ignore this, pretend that this is not happening. And if there are no positive changes, we must affirm and evaluate it in principle, ”said G. Nausėda.

Linas Kojala

Linas Kojala

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Walking away from Belarus would be a betrayal

In the summer of last year, after the presidential elections in Belarus, there was a turning point. And although the people “woke up” after the fraudulent results of the presidential elections, the regime continues to function. G. Nausėda recalled that changes in society take time.

“From the earliest days, Lithuania stood alongside the Belarusian nation. It supports, supports and will support their poses towards freedom. But we must realize that revolutions or positive changes in society take longer. (…) Today we must affirm that the regime by brute force, the persecution of a different thought consolidated its situation. And it hopes that, together with the help of Russia, it will also be able to control it in the near future, “said G. Nausėda in the RESC discussion.

He said that the Belarusian people had woken up and could no longer sleep.

“I believe that the Belarusian people have awakened. And the awakened nations will not be able to fall asleep even by radical means. What is very important now is that external states, neighbors and other countries understand that this is a process. That the way towards freedom may take time, but we cannot be indifferent and just turn around. Doing this right now would be a betrayal in my eyes, “said G. Nausėda.

He said that Lithuania would definitely not do that. And, together with other countries, we will raise these questions at every possible level.

“It just came to our attention then. First of all, the fourth package of sanctions against the Belarusian regime is a program that the European Commission (EC) had to draw up and present to you in a draft on progress and support for the democratic society of Belarus. after the government of Alexander. Lukashenko. These works are still in progress, “said G. Nausėda, president of the country, in the RESC discussion.

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