Nausėda met Skaiste: the question of reputation arose, and the candidate regretted the mistake of life


“The president affirmed that his strategic and long-term priorities and those of the candidate in the field of finance coincide, in terms of reducing social inequality, fiscal policy, redistribution of GDP and many short-term issues. It’s about managing the pandemic financially, as well as next year’s budget.

The President pointed out that if a candidate is to be appointed to this position, they must be aware of the broad responsibilities of the Ministry of Finance, so it is particularly important which team will be with her.

A very important issue is reputation. This topic was also highlighted during the interview. The president noted that public trust is of the utmost importance to all ministers. It is particularly important to the Minister of Finance, as he has many levers and decisions in his hands that determine both the well-being of society and the viability of business.

Therefore, this candidate will first of all have to answer all the questions that arise in society about her reputation, “said the president’s spokesman, Antanas Bubnelis, after the meeting.

The president’s representative said that the president will first address the assessment to Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonyte.

“The president will first express his assessment to the prime minister after finalizing the meetings with other candidates,” said the president’s representative.

G. Nausėda met with Finance Minister candidate G. Skaiste

“I’m very sorry for that mistake”

The most scandalous story happened to G. Skaiste even before entering Parliament. In 2013, G. Skaistė drove while intoxicated and got caught in the Kaunas police. Police were suspected of having a car that maneuvered strangely at night.

A slight 0.8 per thousand drunk was set for the politician. The Kaunas District Court fined G. Skaiste 1,000 litas and deprived him of the right to drive a car for one year.

After meeting with the president, the candidate said she was very sorry for the mistake in her life that happened seven years ago.

“I think society values ​​all knowledge about me. Including the fact that it happened seven years ago. In fact, I am very sorry for that mistake. I think I really got a chance to think about it a lot, to think about it. I realized my mistake and I think I would never do something like that again. Probably for the public to evaluate if this rehabilitation period is sufficient, if I have the right to occupy those positions, after evaluating my mistake and not repeating them anymore ”, said G. Skaistė.

G. Skaistė: The budget deficit will be around 6.5 percent next year. GDP

Finance minister candidate G. Skaistė believes that the budget deficit in 2021 will be higher than predicted by the current government and should reach around 6.5 percent. Gross domestic product (GDP).

“Everything related to quarantine, with Covid-19, everything is provided with borrowed funds and the budget does not provide funds at all. Meanwhile, the planned budget deficit is 5 percent. And it is clear that this will not be achieved.

In my personal opinion, the budget deficit is very likely to be around 6.5 percent next year, ”said G. Skaistė.

“Today, we are already seeing the costs that are directly related to covidu“Let’s say a vaccine, compensation for downtime, sickness benefits, guarantees, loans, all of this will cost around 880 million euros in the next few years,” said G. Skaistė.

Speaking about next year’s budget, the candidate said she does not plan major adjustments and promises that taxes “will remain as they are and there will be no changes to the budget.”

“What is not in the budget? We really miss many of the things that the law stipulates, for example, the additional indexation of pensions proposed by the president requires 67 million in the state budget along with Sodra. Also for the recalculation of early retirement about 10 million. Inclusive education requires around 28 million ”, said G. Skaistė.

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PHOTO GALLERY. G. Skaistė met G. Nausėda

After the meeting, the president shall evaluate the suitability for this position. Previously, many of the candidates were greeted by the president’s advisers, and now G. Nausėda is speaking with each candidate in person. The president promises to end meetings with the candidates on Friday and then decide which one is right or wrong.

On Wednesday, the president also met with the candidate for the Minister of Social Security and Labor, Monika Navickiene. The candidate for Liberal Culture Minister Simonas Kairys visited the Presidency. Also candidate for Minister of Transport Kasparas Adomaitis. On Thursday, the president met with the candidate for Justice Minister Evelina Dobrovolska.

On Monday, the candidate for Minister of Education, Science and Sports Jurgita Šiugždinienė spoke with the president. He is also a candidate for Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkys. And the president met with the candidate for Minister of Economy and Innovation, Aušrine Armonaitė. With the candidate for Minister of the Environment, Simon Gentville.

The president has doubts about some of the ministerial candidates

President G. Nausėda has doubts about some of the ministerial candidates, but does not reveal specific names.

According to President Antanas Bubnelis’s spokesperson, Tuesday’s meeting with Prime Minister-designate Ingrida Šimonytė agreed to seek other candidates, but I. Šimonytė herself says this will be decided when the president meets with all the ministerial candidates.

“The president expressed doubts about various candidacies for the position of minister and it was agreed that for these candidacies other people would be sought who could fill the position of minister,” said Bubnel.

“When speaking, the president made his comments on the competencies that these candidates must have to lead the areas supervised by the corresponding ministry,” he added.

According to the president’s representative, during a meeting with the designated prime minister on Tuesday, the seven candidates with whom the president had already met were discussed in detail, as well as an exchange of insights on those candidates he still plans to meet with. The consultation is expected to continue this week.

President’s adviser S. Krėpšta previously stated that all ministerial candidates initially meet in a “wide circle of advisers”.

“We have very detailed conversations about the main problems in each area, about specific ways to solve them, what the candidate or candidate sees, and then a meeting with the president and an in-depth conversation,” Krėpšta said. and experience in communicating with the social partners.

Šimonytė promised to take responsibility for the proposed ministers

On Tuesday, the Seimas approved the candidacy of conservative representative Ingrida Šimonytė for the post of prime minister. 62 members of the Seimas voted in favor of his candidacy, ten against and 41 deputies abstained.

On Tuesday from the Seimas rostrum, I. Šimonytė said he was taking personal responsibility for all his nominated ministerial candidates.

“We have agreed in the coalition that if someone in the cabinet decides not to leave in the event of a shadow, then apparently, by that logic, I would have to leave myself. I am ready to assume that responsibility, ”said I. Šimonytė.

Once the Seimas approves the candidacy of the Prime Minister and the President appoints him, the Prime Minister, no later than within 15 days after his appointment, will present to the Seimas the Government formed by him and approved by the President and submit to consideration of the program of this Government.

The entire cabinet of future ministers looks like this:

Minister of the Environment: Simon Gentville (LRLS)

Minister of Energy: Dainius Kreivys (TS-LKD)

Minister of Economy and Innovation: Aušrinė Armonaitė (LP)

Finance Minister: Gintarė Skaistė (TS-LKD)

Minister of National Defense: Arvydas Anušauskas (TS-LKD)

Minister of Culture: Simonas Kairys (LRLS)

Minister of Social Security and Labor: Monika Navickienė (TS-LKD)

Minister of Transport and Communications: Kasparas Adomaitis (LP)

Minister of Health: Arūnas Dulkys (TS-LKD)

Minister of Education, Science and Sports: Jurgita Šiugždinienė (TS-LKD)

Minister of Justice: Ms Evelina Dobrovolska (LP)

Minister for Foreign Affairs: Mr. Gabrielius Landsbergis (TS-LKD)

Minister of the Interior: Agnė Bilotaitė (TS-LKD)

Minister of Agriculture: Dalia Miniataitė (TS-LKD)
