Nausėda in Ukraine honored the Pantheon of Gediminas and the memory of Ostrogiškis


This is an important place in the history of Lithuania, which reveals the historical communion of our country and Ukraine. Two sons of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Algirdas Skirgaila and Vladimir, other descendants of Gediminas, are buried in the Uspenje Cathedral.

Another personality of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) also rests in this church: the prominent ataman of the GDL, the winner of the battle of Orsha against Moscow, Duke Konstantinas Ostrogiškis.

The president visited and honored the tomb of this great warrior. “The importance of the Battle of Orsha, which took place more than 500 years ago, has been invaluable for Europe. The GDL army stopped Moscow’s expansion into Europe. This is also relevant in the current geopolitical context,” said the President.

1941 Uspenje Cathedral and the Renaissance tombstone on it were blown up by K. Ostrogiškis. The sanctuary was completely rebuilt and consecrated in 2000. Currently the restoration of the monument to K. Ostrogiškis is being completed.

Kiev Pechora Laurel Monastery, founded in the 11th century, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Thanks to the efforts of the universities of the two countries, the Center for Baltic Studies in Kiev was solemnly inaugurated

In order to strengthen the bilateral relations between Lithuania and Ukraine in the humanitarian field, developing cooperation between Lithuanians and Ukrainians in the fields of education, science, history and culture, the Center for Baltic Studies was established, which is solemnly opened this Friday in Kiev T. Shevchenko National University.
It is planned not only to deepen the students’ Lithuanian language skills, but also to carry out Baltic studies and projects. According to the report, the Baltic Center at the Institute of Philology of the Kyiv National T. Shevchenko University was officially legalized on October 19, 2020, based on the 2019 Memorandum of Cooperation between the Kyiv National University Shevchenko and the University Vytautas Magnus was signed in December.

The center was established in Ukraine through the Lithuanian Embassy in Ukraine and the Lithuanian Ministry of Education, Science and Sports. In virtual celebrations, VMU Rector prof. Juozas Augutis congratulated the representatives of both countries for the ties established.

“Such fortifications of communion are of the utmost importance: at first the ideas coincide, then with their wise and creative development, long-term, significant, important works are born. Our university will continue to support the activities of the Center for Baltic Studies. We help and will help to prepare study programs, prepare methodological material, provide comprehensive assistance to scientists and researchers, share relevant information related to the Baltic countries, culture or companies ”, said prof. J. Augutis.

There is no shortage of Lithuanian accents at Kiev University; cooperation with Lithuania has been going on for many years. Since 2019, students of this university in Kiev have had the opportunity to study the Lithuanian language, and since 2020, a unique undergraduate study program “Polish Language and Literature, English and Lithuanian Languages” has been implemented here. Currently, about 30 students study Lithuanian at the Institute of Philology of the University of Philology of the University of Kiev.

According to Vilma Leonavičienė, director of the Center for Lithuanian Language and Culture at the Academy of Education at Vytautas Magnus University, the Academy actively supports the activities of the new center in Ukraine. The aim is to improve the efficiency of the program, optimize the educational process, promote scientific work and deepen students’ Lithuanian language skills. Researchers at Vytautas Magnus University not only assist in the preparation of study programs and methodological material, but also review scientific articles, study programs and monographs prepared by researchers from Kiev University. In turn, representatives of the Ukrainians are also actively cooperating with Vytautas Magnus University.

“Students, professors and other employees of the Institute of Philology at Kiev University have been actively and successfully participating in the Lithuanian language and culture summer and winter courses at the Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Education since 2015. The Ukrainian students improve their Lithuanian language skills in these courses every year. In total, some 80 students and researchers from Ukraine have already participated in various programs organized by Vytautas Magnus University over the past six years, ”noted V. Leonavičienė.

Martynas Gedvila, representative of the Vytautas Magnus University, also recalls that last fall the students of the Kiev University who learn Lithuanian participated in the Lithuanian Language and Culture Week dedicated to them, which was organized by the Center for Language and Lithuanian Culture from the Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Education. Vytautas Magnus University also acted as mediator in the acquisition of computer equipment for the new Center for Baltic Studies and financially supported its renovation.

In the near future, the universities of Kiev and Vytautas Magnus intend to cooperate in organizing Lithuanian language and culture summer courses and a joint scientific-practical conference “Ukraine and Lithuania: Parallels of history, language, culture and tourism “, which is scheduled for fall of this year.

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