Nausėda – For Landsberg: Moscow, Putin arrives at the inauguration


“Look, you’re on my team, right?” The president said to the protests.

“Yes,” the rallies answered in chorus. About fifty of them gathered in Daukantas Square, near the presidency.

“We want you to be part of our team,” Landsberg added, publicly inviting people to the rally in the presidency.

The president replied that he agreed that we should all “play on a Lithuanian team.”

“You can probably see that we’ve done a lot lately, and it’s not just an attraction for the Belarusian people.” This is above all a job at the European Commission. The EC is a very clear problem, what needs to be done, the dangers in Belarus have been identified, and the EC is becoming increasingly aware of this problem, ”said G. Nausėda.

The head of state also drew attention to his visit to Poland on Wednesday.

“We managed to have very strong friends. If those friends support us, I think we can definitely form a strong counterweight to the revisionist or compromise formulations that are born elsewhere in our region,” said G. Nausėda.

The President emphasized that the Minister is also obliged to carry out negotiations firmly, not to issue principles, to achieve the most favorable result for all.

“The goal of all of us is a successful synchronization, which would help to ensure that there will be no third-country electricity supply after 2025, when it will be implemented,” said G. Nausėda.

The President highlighted the importance of civil assistance in this area.

“Really, believe me, nothing will be done in this palace that may be useless to the Lithuanian people. We are organizing a meeting of the (State Defense Council) to discuss the issue of Astravas, but there will be no commitments or, as sometimes called, Maišiagala formulas, and on the contrary, we will negotiate a lot, we know our value and we certainly will not give up. We have to do everything possible so that the Astravas nuclear power plant is an economically not viable project, and we can change that “, G. Nausėda said.

Putin will arrive at the opening of the Astrava nuclear power plant

Unfortunately, we cannot change other things that we did not do ten years ago. Thats the reality.

V. Landsbergis, who participated in the rally, was satisfied with the President’s attention.

“President, very well, in the end we have the opportunity to speak. This is a very rare occasion. I wanted to ask you one thing: you have emphasized the need for synchronization with European networks a couple of times. That is clean. But synchronization in the Today’s table may be like a later problem. Today we are talking about very specific things: not buying electricity and not going through Lithuania, (…) will we be destroyed, will we resist the pressure? “asked V. Landsbergis.

The president assured that Lithuania would resist the pressure.

“We just have to understand that there are physical and commercial electricity flows. Probably everything revolves around the flow of commercial electricity, because what’s the point for Astrava himself if the electricity moves somewhere but he doesn’t get paid for it. From whom will you pay the loans to Putin? What did you pay interest on? G. Nausėda asked.

According to the president, the managers of the nuclear power plant are interested in making this project viable.

“It will not be viable, it will not solve the main components of their business plan, when they once planned to launch exports freely to the West.” It is not and will not be today. We have to stand firm in this place and make this project a headache, if you like, and for the Kremlin itself, ”said G. Naus Nada.

V. Landsbergis added that they want to make this project not only as feasible as possible, but also as threatening as possible and as soon as possible.

“If they have a surplus that they have nowhere to put, they will say, ‘Give up Kruonis or we will explode.’ What about that blackmail?” Landsbergis asked.

According to the president, “they are not completely thoughtless people” and “this will not be the case.”

When V. Landsbergis added that the Kremlin was more involved than Minsk, G. Nausėda agreed with such a statement.

“You’re right, probably the very fact that, as far as I know, the head of this state is coming to the opening, it probably also says a lot.” But look, we know very clearly what we want to achieve, and we will definitely strive in every possible way, “said G. Nausėda.

The President also reacted to a poster by the Conservative Žygimantas Pavilionis, where Energy Minister Žygimantas Vaičiūnas is urged to resign.

“It really is not necessary, a person works, is motivated to achieve the maximum result. He is young and, sometimes, perhaps he imagines the situation a little differently, but certainly he is not a villain. When advising it, if necessary, and when By pressing and sometimes giving advice, we can achieve the maximum possible result, ”said G. Nausėda.

The President finally hugged Mr. Landsberg and asked for more work.

“Don’t give up,” the crowd joined the outgoing president.

VGT: Lithuania must be prepared for the risks of the Astravo nuclear power plant

On Thursday, the State Defense Council (VGT) discussed the risks of the construction of the Astrava Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) on the Lithuanian border in terms of civil protection and access to electricity in the Baltic markets.

Darius Kuliešius, Senior Adviser to President Gitanas Nausėda, stated that Lithuania must be prepared for threats, although there are now preparedness plans, they must be implemented in practice.

“Lithuania takes a consistent position that the Astrava nuclear power plant is under threat today, and Lithuania must inform the international community of possible security breaches, try to guarantee security in the region and in Lithuania,” said the Council presidency of National security. leader of the group Darius Kuliešius.

Towards the possible start of operations of the Astrava nuclear power plant in Belarus, the President called the VGT. Their meeting began to assess Lithuania’s readiness to protect the Lithuanian population and the environment, announces the presidency.

Russia’s Rosatom corporation, which is building a nuclear power plant, announced Thursday that it planned to “physically light it” in early August, its boss Alexei Likhachev said in a statement on the company’s website.

The nuclear power plant, which will have two reactors from the Russian VVER project with a capacity of 1,200 MW each, is being built in the Grodno region, about 50 kilometers from Vilnius and less than 30 kilometers from the border with Lithuania.

Lithuania is the biggest critic of the power plant under construction in Belarus and is determined to boycott its access to the electricity market. Minsk rejects Vilnius’s allegations of non-compliance with security requirements.

G. Nausėda, who visited the Kruonis hydroelectric power station in the Kaišiadorys district on Monday, stated that this unique Baltic States power facility could not be used for the needs of the Astravas nuclear power plant reserve. He added that the hasty start-up of the nuclear power plant would pose a threat to the entire region.

It is true that the President said that in an emergency, if Lithuanian services were needed, they would be costly for Belarus.

“Yes blackout (systemic accidents – BNS) or other emergencies, we would help our neighboring country to avoid accidents or calls blackout“There would be billions that would reach millions,” said the president.

Energy Minister Žygimantas Vaičiūnas stated that the possibility mentioned by the President of using Kruonis PSHP in the context of some systemic accident declared that it was a one-time theoretical possibility.
“Since we have a common system in the Baltic States, if there is a system failure for unidentified reasons that is specifically related to the Astrava nuclear power plant, in such cases it may be possible to think or think about that theoretical possibility of using it once “explained the minister.

The Baltic countries currently belong to the post-Soviet BRELL ring, and by 2025 they intend to desynchronize and synchronize with the networks of continental Europe.

Lithuania has recognized by law that the Astrava Nuclear Power Plant (Nuclear Power Plant) as a threat to Lithuania’s national security. The country is the most active critic of the construction of the Astravo nuclear power plant near its border. Minsk rejects Vilnius’ security allegations.

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