Nausėda asks to change habits, not waste food, teach ecology to children


All Lithuanians are invited to sign the so-called “Green Lithuania” Declaration and contribute to the creation of a cleaner future.

“There is no open enemy. The enemy is man himself. Often, his economic activity, his greed, his unconditional desire for profit, just turns hostile. We can change that,” said G. Nausėda.

The president stressed that everyone must start for themselves.

“I myself am trying to buy more and more products from organic farms. I am trying, and have been for a long time, to appreciate that my fences are not my living environment, that I can go out and about my area to collect garbage. , throw an unnecessary plastic bottle in the trash .. Of course, we sort the waste.

What I have not done yet or have done very little: I promised a year ago that I would go to work at least periodically by bike, but somehow I had to say that I had not fully fulfilled that promise, but I think I still have. It’s time to make amends, “G told reporters. Sedimentation.

F. Timmermans said that planet Earth can also accommodate even more people living on it.

“We must learn to live as long as our planet allows. And learn to do it in a few years. The bad news is that it is very, very difficult, it will require everyone’s effort. The good news is that it is possible to do it.

If we do that, we will have a healthier planet, more and better jobs, and a climate that can accommodate 10 billion people. people, ”Timmermans said at the event.

At the time, V. Sinkevičius said that “vegetation is not a luxury”.

“Green is a way to guarantee a healthy environment for people, first and foremost. Clean air or water cannot be a luxury. This is the minimum that the state must give to its citizens. We all understand this perfectly, even if only subconsciously, but sometimes we lack action, “he said.

The commissioner said that when business, science and non-governmental organizations come together for such a purpose, then it is possible.

“It is not the politicians who need a green Lithuania and a green Europe, but each one of us and each one of those who will come after us,” he concluded.


The cycle of discussions and forums started by G. Nausėda began, during which representatives of trade, telecommunications, energy, transport, agriculture, non-governmental organizations and the industrial sector sought an agreement on how to make Lithuania a cleaner and climate neutral country. A year ago.

The ideas, good examples and directions expressed during the events became the basis of the Green Lithuania Declaration.

Delfi publishes the full text of the statement:

“We, members and representatives of the business community, academia, non-governmental organizations, communities, municipalities and governmental institutions of Lithuania, the Lithuanian society in general,

We seek to contribute to the implementation of the vision of the Lithuanian welfare state, one of whose essential pillars is the promotion of ecological activities, respectful of the environment and resources;

Supports the European green tariff strategy, which aims to promote resource efficiency in the transition to a clean circular economy, restore biodiversity and reduce pollution by creating a climate neutral economy by 2050;

Recognizing the need to conserve biodiversity, ensure the protection of ecosystems and support the European Union’s biodiversity strategy;

we are deeply concerned about the threatening negative trends of climate change;

we do not support pollution caused by human activities, which damages the health of the Lithuanian people, the nature of Lithuania and leads to the loss of the country’s biodiversity;

we support the need to promote sustainable business principles and we support the European Union’s strategy in this area;

We believe that real change can only take place with the support and participation of all sectors of society;

We assume, in accordance with our activities, competences and capacities:

ensure the full participation and participation of civil society in ecological decision-making. Active public participation strengthens democracy, trust in state institutions, transparency, ensures that decisions and their implementation are of better quality, satisfying the expectations and needs of society;

integrate environmental protection into the lives of all Lithuanians All state decisions should also take into account environmental and climate change aspects;

educate, mobilize and involve the public in environmental awareness;

strengthen the role of non-governmental organizations and communities;

sensitize children and youth about the environment, teach ecology, nature conservation and energy literacy schools in schools, including it in general and non-formal education programs;

promoting scientific programs in the fields of nature protection, ecology, climate change and energy, as well as fostering innovation, research and experimental development in these fields;

pursue the funding of specific research and institutional cooperation in the search for new solutions that respect the environment and the climate;

strengthen the role of cultural institutions (museums, galleries, libraries) contributing to the promotion of ecological initiatives, environmental awareness and the development of ecological education;

Achieve, together with other European Union countries, the climate neutrality targets for 2050 and a 70% reduction in national greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990;

promote sustainable consumption habits and build a modern, efficient, competitive green economy; significantly changing the habits of oneself, the family, the community, the organization, significantly reducing direct and indirect emissions of greenhouse gases in own activities, reducing air and water pollution, contributing to other environmentally friendly changes environment;

promote public-private partnerships to find common solutions to climate and environmental goals;
strive for innovations: modernize existing technological processes, operational practices, seek more environmentally friendly technological solutions, promote digitization;

use more green energy; increase public and private investment in the development and implementation of environmentally friendly energy technologies, to create a favorable regulatory environment conducive to innovation;

promote and implement innovations in the fourth generation heat economy and refrigeration sector, using developed central heating systems;

promote less polluting modes of transport; electric vehicles, to support ambitious and more environmentally friendly technical requirements for vehicles;

support the development of alternative fuels and renewable energy sources in transportation;

support the efforts of cities and regions to move towards climate neutrality, to implement environmentally friendly solutions, including the implementation of green infrastructure, the implementation of sustainable mobility plans, the strengthening of the public transport network and services as an alternative to individual transportation;

seek long-term solutions to the problem of climate change;

contribute to the protection of biodiversity;

promote the sustainable use of natural resources; seek to restore river habitats and take care of the good ecological status of rivers; intensify efforts to protect the soil and reduce soil erosion;

protect valuable forest ecosystems, support nature-based forest use;
ensure the protection and restoration of the Baltic Sea and its resources;

reduce the amount of waste generated and not reused or recycled, the amount of harmful substances in materials and products, reuse products or extend their life cycle, fight for significant changes in the field of food that is not waste;

promote and develop markets for environmentally friendly services, increase equipment reuse and focus on supplier requirements, for example environmental management systems;

substantially reduce or eliminate disposable plastic products, seek recyclable or reusable packaging for private label products;

pursue inclusive growth and sustainable development in the agri-food sectors; promote innovative, organic and environmentally friendly agriculture “.

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