Nausėda and Šimonytė will discuss their condition with the merchants


Meetings of the President and Prime Minister are held separately.

According to President Antanas Bubnelis’ spokesperson, G. Nausėda will discuss the situation of small and medium-sized enterprises and the willingness of enterprises to operate safely in the conditions of a pandemic in a remote meeting.

The meeting will be attended by Dalia Matukienė, President of the Council of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Rūta Vainienė, Director of the Lithuanian Association of Business Enterprises, and Jolanta Mačiulienė, President of the Association of Hairdressers and Beauty Specialists.

The Lithuanian Business Enterprise Association also initiated a meeting with the Prime Minister. According to R. Vainienė, it is planned to discuss the forms of safe trade opening, the impact of the support and the situation in 2021 from the commercial side.

The government had previously planned to consider allowing non-grocery stores and hair salons to open this week, but has postponed the issue to next week.

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