Nausėda addressed the elderly: I invite you to get vaccinated against the coronavirus


“I invite all older people to seize the opportunity to get vaccinated against coronavirus in the near future, thus taking care of their healthier future,” G. Nausėda is quoted in the press release.

In addition to vaccination, the meeting also discussed social exclusion and poverty reduction policies, access to medical services, assistance and support, and compliance with quarantine restrictions during the festive period, the president’s press service said.

The President also paid attention to the Social Security Pension Replacement Law, signed in mid-December, which creates the preconditions to index pensions in 2021 and thus ensure their growth by almost one tenth. According to the head of state, this is the first significant step to raise the standard of living of the elderly and reduce income inequality and the exclusion of social groups in society.

The need for and availability of preventive health care services for the elderly was also discussed.

The Head of State drew the attention of representatives of high-level organizations on measures to reduce the problem of loneliness of the elderly in the country, especially during the festive period. Due to strict quarantine, many older people will accept vacations separately from their loved ones, which can lead to a deterioration in their psychological well-being.

The Head of State invited representatives of high-level organizations to mobilize their members for mutual assistance and promote remote communication with St. Christmas and New Year period.

“As we work together to increase the income of retirees, I invite you to work together to reduce social poverty among the elderly,” urged the president.

The remote meeting was attended by Grasilda Makarevičienė, President of the Lithuanian Association of the Elderly, Vilija Tūrienė, President of the Vilnius Union of Retirees of the Lithuanian Union of Retirees of Lithuania “Bočiai”, Evaldas Židonis, Vice President of the Lithuanian Association of the Elderly EURAG, and representatives from the University of Klaipeda.

Vaccination against the coronavirus in Lithuania will start on December 27. The first to get vaccinated is working with coronavirus patients in the medical sector.
