Nausea has made a claim to the new government for coronavirus: it must have a plan immediately


“We will soon have a responsible job: building a government that is sustainable, has strong political support, and is capable of real reforms, not on paper. Standing up for the public rather than narrow interest groups, a determination to seek change in key areas, lack of attention to the individual, competence, honesty, the main criteria that I will raise for the members of the future Government.

The spread of the coronavirus in Europe and Lithuania is increasingly difficult to control. So new big challenges await us all. Society and business, which means that all of Lithuania must survive a time of unpredictable challenges. Therefore, the smooth transfer and takeover of power is particularly important today. There is simply no time for post-election Eurforia. The new government must have a clear pandemic management plan and a team ready to execute it. We will have to do work that will not wait, and I, as head of state, promise to contribute with all my strength, “G. Nausėda told a press conference on Wednesday.

Sediment: There’s just no time for the post-election euphoria

At the same time, the president appealed to the new rulers, urging them to justify the trust placed by the voters.

“There is simply no time for post-election euphoria,” he told a presidential press conference.

According to him, the government should represent the needs of society, not narrow interest groups.

“The people of Lithuania have placed their hopes and trust in you, their desire to solve the problems that pressure society. It is up to you whether this trust will be justified,” said G. Nausėda.

“There is simply no time for post-election euphoria. The new government must immediately have a very clear pandemic management plan and a team ready to implement it,” the president told a press conference on Wednesday.

“The spread of the coronavirus in Europe and Lithuania is increasingly difficult to control, so new big challenges await us all. Society and business, that is, all of Lithuania, must survive a time of unpredictable challenges. therefore, the smooth transfer and takeover is especially important today, “he added.

He presented a renewed vision of the welfare state

The head of state presented a renewed vision of the welfare state during a press conference.

According to G. Nausėda, Lithuania must pursue an active foreign policy, guarantee energy independence and ensure sustainable financing of national defense. In those words, he asked the new government to act in these areas.

Speaking of the vision of a just Lithuania, the head of state also stated that social exclusion must be reduced in the country.

“Justice generates trust, because without justice there are no safe citizens and without them there is no strong and just state,” said G. Nausėda.

The president stressed that Lithuania should not focus solely on benefits for socially sensitive groups. G. Nausėda also pointed to changes in the field of education as a priority.

Aim for a steady increase in national defense funding to 2.5%.

The first thing the head of the country highlighted is that “Lithuania must be strong, because only in a stable and safe environment can the skills of all its people be revealed.”

“We, the people of Lithuania, are the masters of our state. We must act accordingly. It is our common duty to protect the hard-won statehood and defend the country from emerging threats. We must nurture and strengthen our Homeland through daily shares, ”said G. Nausėda.

According to the president, we must do everything possible to ensure the continued smooth operation of state institutions and mutual cooperation.

“We must continue to fight for energy independence, strengthen infrastructure, create additional connections with Western Europe. We must pursue an active foreign policy that aims at Euro-Atlantic integration and the preservation of peace, as well as the dissemination of democratic values ​​in the countries. neighboring countries, ”said G. Nausėda.

According to the president of the country, the turbulent geopolitical environment is the best lesson to follow the agreement of the parties on the defense of the country.

“I will strive for the financing of national defense to constantly increase to 2.5 percent. Gross domestic product (GDP), because I believe that we must first take care of the security of our country,” said G. Nausėda.

He stressed the importance of culture

According to the president, a strong society and a mature state are constantly reflected and built.

“We have to invest in culture, because it is a guarantor of the uniqueness, self-esteem, economic progress and social well-being of the nation. Drawing inspiration from the past, reflecting history and giving heritage meaning, culture expresses the vitality of the country. At the same time, it unites civil society, promotes societal change, builds bridges of communion between generations, and thus actively creates the future of Lithuania.
“Said G. Nausėda.

He called for solutions to expand social services

Furthermore, according to the president, Lithuania’s prosperity must be fair, because justice builds trust. Because without justice there are no safe citizens and without safe citizens there is no strong and just State.

“Going towards a welfare state means, in my deep conviction, ending the division between people. Exclusion, which in our reality is really a lot, simply too much. Too often, it becomes an insurmountable obstacle for the people of Lithuania due to social status, origin, age or disability, ”said G. Nausėda.

The President recalled that in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania approved 28 years ago, we promised ourselves that an independent democratic state would regulate economic activities in such a way as to serve the common welfare of the nation. We have established the principles of social support for the poor, state-funded health and education systems.

“We must keep that promise. I understand that social justice is ensuring that everyone has the same opportunities to achieve their goals, to be able to live with dignity and, most importantly, to be independent. It is not enough to focus solely on state financial support to socially vulnerable groups. It is necessary to find solutions on how to expand social services, create favorable conditions in the labor market, promote employment, and thus train people, “emphasized G. Nausėda.

Seek a national agreement on education

According to the president, the change must start from the kindergarten and the school bench.

“The uncomfortable truth is that our students’ achievement is increasingly determined by where they live and who their parents are. Inequalities in the educational system prevent many young people from revealing their talents. Our children suffer as a result. We all suffer as a result.

Considering education as a priority, my goal is to expand the accessibility of kindergartens for children from families at social risk with the “Equal Start” initiative. We need to ensure that the educational system responds to the educational needs of each child and that formal education is complemented by non-formal education. Quality content must be available and accessible to everyone! ”Said G. Nausėda.

The president said he hopes that education will be an area in which all political forces can and must agree. Therefore, it promises to ensure that the parties establish their long-term commitment to the next generation in a national agreement, as we have done in the defense field.

“In the global market, we compete first and foremost with our knowledge and skills. Therefore, I am already laying the foundations for Lithuania to be among the top 20 countries in the world in terms of student outcomes in a decade,” said G. Nausėda .

Ensure that the pandemic does not have long-term negative effects on social exclusion

According to the president, public trust in the state also depends on other public services.

“The coronavirus pandemic reminded us of the importance of having a strong health care system. Each of us has the right to provide timely, high-quality, and affordable health services. The difficult path to these services or dissatisfaction with their quality leads to long-term frustration among citizens.

Therefore, it is necessary not only to restore the uninterrupted provision of higher quality services as soon as possible, to prepare for mass vaccination, but also fundamentally to modernize and strengthen the health system, ”said G. Nausėda.

According to the country’s president, our sense of justice is also undermined by excessive inequality.

“Currently, one out of every five inhabitants of the country lives below the poverty line: 600 thousand people. They are one of us. These are not only passersby on the streets, but also our parents, neighbors, elderly relatives, friends of children, families with children who are shaping the future of the country. They all deserve the same opportunities to act, as well as adequate remuneration for their efforts, “said G. Nausėda.

According to him, we could speak of a fairer state and society if the ratio between the income of the population with the highest and lowest incomes were reduced by at least 5 times.

To this end, the first goal will be to ensure that the coronavirus pandemic does not have a long-term negative impact on social exclusion and poverty. We will also have to take care of the elderly, because the well-being of society can be judged by how it treats the elderly. Pensions need to be increased more quickly to bring them up to Western European standards. Therefore, I have provided, and will present in the future, the necessary amendments to the laws, ”said G. Nausėda.

According to the president, we must fight for economic transformation, create greater added value and fight so that the wages of the Lithuanian people follow the level of the welfare states.

“We also need a fairer tax system without unjustified tax inequalities or tax clauses. One of our priorities is to tackle the smartest fight against the shadow, which exhausts the financial resources of the state.

We must ensure an effective regional policy that reduces regional exclusion and consequently pressure on people to seek a better life in the capital or abroad. This will not be possible without strong and independent municipalities. Together with my team and other Lithuanian authorities, I strive for the average salary in the regions of the country to reach at least 85%. at the level of the capital region ”, specified G. Nausėda.

He also emphasized that trust in the state is undermined by non-transparent government decisions.

“It is a heavy burden to suspect that state and municipal institutions or individuals are acting irresponsibly and dishonestly, abusing the government, engaging in corruption and wasting all of our funds. Each of these cases challenges the innate sense of human justice. . We must therefore continue to fight against impunity. Personally, I will demand high standards not only for law enforcement and law enforcement, but also for political culture, “promised G. Nausėda.

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