National Day of Opportunity Entrepreneurship Festival


Wherever you look, today’s world needs an entrepreneurial approach like never before. And what is? What is the attitude of the entrepreneur? And why is it so important today? On February 18, the Lithuanian Youth Education Organization on Entrepreneurship and Financial Education Junior Achievement announces the National Day of Opportunity and invites you to participate in the first Lithuanian Entrepreneurship Festival, where dozens of exclusive messages for young people are waiting , the educational community, and business and state leaders. you!

National Opportunity Day is a day when we will not talk about problems, but about bold solutions for them. An innovative conference that will inspire an entrepreneurial approach. During the festival presentations, we will reveal how to warn and create opportunities, how to creatively look at the situation in the face of great challenges, discover new ideas and offer solutions that generate change. The remote event is organized to start a broader debate on entrepreneurship education, as well as to strengthen the culture of entrepreneurship.

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