Natalija Bunkė and her lover opened a one-of-a-kind shop, but they have already managed to burn themselves out with hacker attacks and nasty rumors.


The threat of the coronavirus has made the world more closed, with many spending most of their time at home for their own safety and that of others. Undoubtedly, this situation has affected events that have had to be canceled or at least temporarily suspended as a result of the situation. N. Bunkė, who until now has been restricted to concert activities, has still been able to take advantage of her free time: a unique store “Home Decoration by NB” has recently been opened.

The fact that the interest in this e-shop is really high is demonstrated not only by the pleasant sales of the seller or the persistent rumors, but also by the attacks of the programmers, which fortunately managed to stop.

“Those attacks are sent until you deal with them. We have improved our page with additional protection. I think that everyone who opens similar businesses goes through that and you will not do anything here. So far we are learning everything and this is normal since we are still New to the field. The. Never had a store before.

Natalija Bunkė and her lover opened a one-of-a-kind store, but they have already managed to burn themselves out with hacker attacks and nasty rumors.

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

Previously, all decoration sales were made through Facebook. I think it has become outdated and does not look professional. I wanted to open a store a long time ago, because the volumes only increased with time, and I was working the old-fashioned way, only time never showed up. In fact, for the 3 years that I thought about it, I dreamed, but there was never time. And now that the number of concerts has dropped and they have completely retired, that’s how we fix everything ”, the interlocutor rejoices.

In business, Natalia is assisted by her fiancé Edgar Eidej. The man previously assisted her with concert activities and now takes care of technical solutions for the store.

“Edgar is precise, he does the accounting, the technical work, like the management, the email management itself. store, put products in it, etc. This store is unique because I have many products of my name. Yes, some products are commissioned, but the other part is of my own production, physically created works. The store already has a lot of everything and I still have a lot of ideas to add. I work hard to ensure that the products I sell are quality in every way. Not only the product is important to me, but also its packaging. I don’t want to be ashamed of my buyer. ” Delphi says N. Bunke.

For Natalia it is very important that her client is satisfied with the smallest details after receiving her order, that is why the singer not only smells the products before sending them, but also carefully packs them in special boxes or bags.

“It is important for me to evoke positive emotions in a person,” he says.

Natalija Bunkė and her lover opened a one-of-a-kind store, but they have already managed to burn themselves out with hacker attacks and nasty rumors.

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

Before, many fans of her decorations feared that the opening of her store and the increase in the range would disappear from Natalija’s work, only her name would remain, but the businesswoman emphasizes that, as before, she still sticks to her essential idea.

“I have my own drawing and it would hardly be possible. Yes, I have a support staff to help me a bit, like arranging the flowers as I say, cutting their stems accordingly, putting them in boxes, adding ribbons or tassels to compositions. I, as a teacher, always come to do that essential work, put together a flower arrangement, glue it and do the last strokes. Only then does that branch travel to commerce. For one of those bouquet to appear in an email. in the store, I have to do the whole collection, about 10 pieces for the buyer to buy. Uploading the product to the electronic space is not easy, it takes time, but little by little we solve these things ”, says the owner of the store.

N. Bunkė candles have also received a lot of attention recently. An interior detail bearing his name was found in a whirlwind of gossip for a supposedly high price: a large scented candle with a special lid would come off for 50 euros and a small one for 40 euros. Since the discussion is not silent about this, Natalia until very recently explained on her instagram why the price of candles is like this.

According to Natalia, only the highest quality wax is used for the candles. There are up to five types to choose from, but the singer used the most expensive, international standard oil-free wax. That is why the aforementioned candles can be burned safely in the presence of small children at home or sensitive people, since the combustion does not release carcinogenic substances and therefore protects health.

Natalija Bunkė and her lover opened a one-of-a-kind store, but they have already managed to burn themselves out with hacker attacks and nasty rumors.

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

“We use certified food glass, so after using the candle, it can be used more around the home, for example, to store small items, sweets, etc. Our product is innovative and sustainable. The wick is the smallest but most important detail of the candle. We only chose an organic and expensive wick that does not contain lead wire. This is very important because candle wicks, which cost a few euros each, often come with lead. As a result, it burns wonderfully, but it is extremely harmful to health, it promotes chronic diseases. For this reason, an expensive candle with expensive raw materials is an investment in health, ”said the famous woman.

Natalia says she has come a long creative journey creating candles on her behalf. For example, to match the knife to the capacity of the chosen candle so that the wax burned throughout the jar and did not stay on the edges, samples were even sent to Germany.

“It just came to our notice then. No one knows, but I changed the stickers three times because I didn’t like or dislike some of the samples. This is all my work and no one has done it for me. It was definitely not the case that when i got somewhere i saw a candle, bought it, put my name on it and sold it. Definitely not. I created all myself and my team.

Also, people who find candles similar to mine should be aware that essential oils often use essential oils and manic candles are scented. This means that its smell in the room is much richer, easier to diffuse ”, he emphasized.

Ribbons, tassels and packaging are also part of the production process, so the price naturally increases, depending on the interlocutor.

Another nasty rumor that Bunke has had to deal with for years has been that he is allegedly ordering his wares from a Chinese giant via email. stores Ali Express. On a platform well known to Lithuanians, Natalija’s followers quickly find products similar to the range in her store. But the interlocutor Delphi He assured that there were no items from that store on his shelves. The only thing N. Bunke actually ordered from Ali Express is just the ticks, which the woman uses only as additional decoration in her work.

“I think these languages ​​arise because I myself often order products from there, but they are all for my personal use and not for my name store. This may lead to associations of people. I definitely visited there. By the way, I don’t deny that I bought tassels there, but everything else is definitely not.

You see, I can’t be responsible for the providers. Their products may actually be there, but I buy in Lithuania. You might find that unit on the Ali Express and maybe cheaper, but if I shipped myself, like trays or candy, it would cost me space. If you send an item from there, everything is simple, but by sending the full pallet, I will pay not only for it, but also for the tax, moreover, I am a UAB, so the price is already completely different for me.

Natalija Bunkė and her lover opened a one-of-a-kind store, but they have already managed to burn themselves out with hacker attacks and nasty rumors.

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

They are small nuances that not everyone knows. I’m definitely not going to lie to people. So I am not hiding that I bought the kittens from there, but I do not sell them, I only use them to decorate existing goods. Why not? For me, they were beautiful.

By the way, I would like to add my work to Ali Express. I think I will do it in the future ”, says the interlocutor.

The singer, who recently accessorized her shelves with Christmas decorations, has once again received comparisons that some Christmas tree decorations are supposed to be found on the Ali Express.

“They had sent me a comparison of these glass toys. Supposedly found an Ali Express analog. One thing is that they are smaller there, another is a different image. Even if it is similar, it is not the same. Besides, not even those things. But obviously it is important that people talk.

But I can’t say that gossip is just bad. From this I also find my mistakes. For example, excess errors in descriptions. We make improvements and keep working. Even from that, you can find positive things, ”he smiles.

Through her experience, Natalia has already selected her own suppliers, who offer their own range and send catalogs.

“Over time, I’ve chosen which vendors I like and which I don’t. There are old and surviving connections as soon as I started making flowers. There have certainly been cases where a shipment has arrived and the goods seem like a tragedy to me. I want to put them nowhere, even though I paid the money, ”says Natalija.

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