Naglis Bierancas discovered a new joy during the quarantine: “Now it is sad that everything returns to normal” | Names


“It just came to our attention then. I really can’t complain. I like being home alone when I don’t have to fly anywhere, go again and again drive from one meeting to another. Those long distance meetings and calls that became popular during the quarantine are a fairy tale. Get up, pick up Compass – And you’re already meeting. There’s no need to prepare or think about what to wear, and I’m not late! So now that I think it’s kind of sad that things get back on track, “laughs Naglis.” Anyway, really, the quarantine is over, I’m really happy with the friends. It’s funny that they finally got back to work, to business. Probably the hardest and saddest thing to see at the time was seeing the lame businesses of loved ones and how they are surviving as a result. “

May 19 On their Kilig account on Instagram, people asked how far they delighted during the quarantine and shared up to 465 pleasures in an hour. 100 percent. Stakeholders replied that they had discovered many wonderful and rewarding things during the quarantine.

Most, even 43 percent. – I enjoyed being with family and loved ones. “Time with the family, activities with your children. It wasn’t long before quarantine, because all the time he is at work, “- Ineta, who is raising two children, shared the joys of her quarantine.

36 percent. He seconded Nagli and replied that during the quarantine he spent more time on himself: he invested in personal development, enjoyed his favorite movies, books, series, as well as pampered beauty treatments at home, played sports. “I liked the slow morning better, when you don’t have to rush anywhere, you can have a leisurely breakfast, have a coffee, read a book, exercise, and then go to work,” wrote Greta.

“During the quarantine, I learned to enjoy the infinitely beautiful nature of Lithuania again,” said Eva, 19. Even 9 percent. Speakers also noted that during this time he loved nature, enjoyed long spring walks in the fresh air.

The remaining 14 percent. He named other activities that provided positive emotions during this period. These include food production, distance learning or communicating with friends, and more.

Remember the opening to yourself

According to Simona Bieliūnė, deputy director of the Vilnius City Municipality Public Health Office (VVSB), who recently changed her image and became “Vilna healthier: Welfare office”, any change in life generally causes negative feelings . However, the global pandemic affected people very differently.

“For some, the feeling of loneliness increased, for others: anxiety, fear or anger, the third, on the contrary, rested, was happy and sincerely enjoyed this period.” People respond to emotional difficulties in two ways, too. Some focus on negative experiences and make no effort to improve their emotional health. The other part of the people consciously concentrates on things that motivate them and help them feel better, for example, remote communication with close people, active activities, healthy food production, reading books, new ways to spend free time ” says S. Bieliūnė.

According to the VSB deputy director, now that the quarantine is over, one should not forget to take care of my emotional health, be open with myself and continue to learn to understand my feelings: “It is important that each of us answers the question.” best. While it sounds very simple, we are more likely to explore others than ourselves. The most important thing is not to go to the extreme and not try to make up for what was most needed during this period. “
