N. Rinkevičiūtė: “I don’t want anyone to experience what my closest people are currently experiencing”


After evaluating the political situation at the Alytus City Council and, most importantly, to protect my family, friends and relatives from current slander and slander, protecting my health and that of my family members, I applied be relieved of my duties as Deputy Director of the Township of the City of Alytus. .

I do not resign because I have done something wrong or am guilty of what I am accused in public. I am resigning because my family, friends and loved ones, their psychological, emotional state and their health are more important to me than any job and career. Parents and adolescent daughters in poor health were psychologically affected by the tendency to shed mud. I don’t want anyone to experience what my closest people are experiencing right now.

I resign because I want to have lunch or coffee with my loved ones and friends in peace, without fear of being accused of confusing or privileging public and private interests here, and those who have interacted with me and their families will begin to navigate corruption and publicly. spreading completely wrong information under the guise of “possibly”.

The mayor and his team, some councilors, and especially my family and friends, know very well that this was not the job of my dreams just because it is a position of political trust. It was only after lengthy persuasions from the mayor that I agreed to assume this position. I think I worked responsibly and honestly, counting hours, especially during emergencies: during a fire and during a coronavirus pandemic, when I also had to act as Operations Center Coordinator and Operations Center Manager.

I have never belonged to any political party or organization, so I do not fully accept dirty political games and the use of public psychological pressure, or as one council member Mobing has said.

I was also publicly accused of the possible use of mobbing for my lawsuit, but, as popular sages say, the pot laughs that the kettle is black: mobbing is accused by those whose performance according to LEAN is not brilliant and objects and overdue projects are obvious.

I was certainly not an indifferent and forgiving manager, especially with those who only imitated work in administration. I’m glad there are few. Dissatisfied with me, they deserved the support of some parties or individual council members. If one of the parties did not accept, it took refuge in another, no matter which.

I was also unfavorable to some board members who were pursuing personal interests, so now I am also prone to being accused of corruption schemes in the public procurement organization. Possible violations of public procurement are usually investigated by the Office of Public Procurement, a court or other authorities. So far, I personally have no information about myself from the institutions mentioned.

It is true that both the STT and the prosecution analyzed the outbreak of the purchase of masks and other protective equipment in the spring. I am very pleased that board members have contacted the aforementioned institutions about this and the situation has been clarified. The accusations were not confirmed. I would like to inform you that all purchases related to COVID-19 were additionally inspected by the Ministry of Finance, which, by the way, reimbursed all expenses incurred by the municipality for COVID-19.

Therefore, I am very pleased that the organization of the hospital’s public procurement tender has been submitted to the court, because justice in Lithuania is only administered by a court. I responsibly declare that I did not draft the terms of the hospital tender and did not tell anyone what they should be. I also have supporting documents.

The Procurement Commission meetings on this particular acquisition were held on berods 15. I was invited to attend only one of them. I did not attend the hearing, when several bidders were rejected, and I only know the reasons for the rejection to the extent that it was announced in public. In the event of a scandal, I was not invited to attend the meeting of the Anti-Corruption Commission, so the conclusions of the president of that commission, published in public, are biased towards me and were made without clarifying and evaluating all the circumstances.

Many thanks to the administration for the opportunity to work and improve together. The experience is invaluable, the emotions of working with you are the best. I apologize to my colleagues Mykolas Rinkevičius and Žaneta Stasionienė for the public, but completely unfounded accusations. Their only fault is knowing me personally and working harder than they belong, working countless hours after hours. Through their personal means, they created a new vision for the Youth Park. It is very sad that the young, hardworking and talented are punished for initiatives that benefit the entire city. I wish you all the strength and patience, because there is no blue sky above you.

A sincere thank you to all the council members who supported and helped. Thanks also to the critics. Sincere, open and fair criticism encourages improvement, and improvement has no limits. I hope that the new majority of the Council will take over their shoulders as soon as possible so that they can maintain their current positions in the Regional Development Council, in the monitoring committees of the European Territorial Cooperation programs, because now the documents are being prepared schedule for the next financial period. You will also face challenges related to this year’s difficult budget and preparing for next year’s budget.

My sincere thanks to Mayor Nerijus Cesiulis, Deputy Mayors and Advisers to the Mayor. You are an incredible team, sadly not everyone is destined to realize it.
