N. Puteikis appealed to the court against A.Veryga’s orders on restricting the work of medical institutions


According to N. Puteikis, the complaint is requested before the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania to oblige the Minister of Health A. Verygas to restore the planned health care services in full before the quarantine within 30 calendar days.

“The appeal to the court was motivated by the information of Minister A.Veryga that in autumn, if the number of COVID-19 diseases increases, restrictions will be introduced again on the work of medical institutions – hospitals and polyclinics. The National Center Party, as president of that party, in this case I use the mandate of a member of the Seimas, which allows to appeal against the orders of the Minister, ”N. Puteikis said at a press conference this Monday.

There are several possible solutions: we ask you to suspend some decisions now, during the trial period, we ask you to declare illegal some decisions that were made previously, and we ask that some decisions be preventive, such as increased restrictions in hospitals and outpatient clinics. activities, ”said Kristupas Krivickas, party vice president.

Politicians assure that they receive many complaints from the population about the untimely delivery of services, as well as the necessary assistance, and the necessary operations are not carried out.

Health Minister A.Veryga said at a press conference on Monday that he regretted that N. Puteikis was trying to draw attention to himself in this way before the elections.

“Perhaps without a small assessment of the possible risks, speculating on the ignorance of the population,” said the minister.

“I just want to remind those who have forgotten what happened at a time when the disease was spreading very intensely: in countries where the situation in medical institutions was not under control, no quarantine measures were taken, there were many deaths. At the beginning, there were also them in Lithuania ”, added the minister.

N. Puteikis is a member of the ruling Lithuanian Peasants and Greens faction in the Seimas, to which A. Veryga also belongs.

Currently, medical institutions are paid one twelfth of the annual contract amount each month to compensate for the loss of patients due to the reduced flow of coronavirus patients.

Health institutions that wanted to keep funding had to renew at least 70 percent in July. stationary and at least 80 percent. the volume of outpatient services provided before quarantine in March.

Representatives of some hospitals, for their part, have previously stated that it is difficult to improve services due to the stricter requirements for treatment facilities for managing infections.
