My entertainment faces. Pound, who has started a new project: everything has to be paid for and there are no algorithms


The pandemic hit the music world very hard, so the leader of the G&G Sindikatas group Gabrielius Liaudanskas-Svaras, looking for ways to earn a living, started a new project on the Patreon platform, where people can volunteer to support the artist’s work. The artist, who creates videos about his life, says in his introduction that he will tell about everything “from learning to create to learning to kill.”

“The world of musicians has stopped and you have to earn your bread not with plan A, but with all the remaining plans from B to Z, so the current situation has learned to improvise. At first, it seemed to me that 4 videos a month would be in my eyes, but I have so many different ideas that 4 videos now seem very little to me. I am not a teacher or some kind of guru, I am just a person who learns things and shows everyone how he is doing ”, says the interpreter.

“I want content that I create, like G&G Syndicate songs, to have lasting value. We’re all very isolated now, we have little communication and limited self-expression, so I’m looking for opportunities to ‘cleanse’ myself through creativity. Money is important, but it is no less important that this project is a free psychologist for me, ”added Svaras.

In his introduction to his Patreon account, the performer claims to be a “pirate” but explains that this is certainly not related to criminal activity. Pound studied law at university, dropped out after three courses, then graduated as a professor, but does not work as a professor.

The rapper lives off music, various crafts and other activities, but maintains that without a stable salary, it is important to learn to get out of the situation and learn to earn money.

How the superhero Kapitonas Lietuva was born, popularized by Svaras, what sport the artist considers the best in the world and why he decided to leave law studies at the university, you will find out this Monday at 9 pm 45 min. in the program “My Entertainment FACES” only on Delfi TV.
