Murder in the Romans: the late sister does not believe the version of the murder


Audrius Norkūnas, who has already had ten convictions in his biography, was charged before the Kaunas Regional Court with a high-profile murder committed last summer in Romainiai, near the Aibė store, and another case was transferred to this court by a couple weeks after the crime.

A riddle about a wedding

A.Norkūnas, who was planted in the convoy cage in the courtroom, covered his face and is no longer required to wear a mask. And he kept pounding on the door, probably waiting for his roommate, who, according to the updated data, had not yet married, although he had expressed such a wish to the management of the Referral Center. And he hastened to inform law enforcement officials that they were conducting the pre-trial investigation.

However, the co-inhabitant of A.Norkūnas did not appear at today’s court hearing, because only the victims were invited, hoping that the accused would present evidence.

Before the court hearing, A. Norkūnas’ lawyer, Ramūnas Putinas, was convinced that his defendant would present evidence today. However, following the accused’s indictment, A. Norkūnas stated that he would only present evidence after questioning all witnesses. It is not ruled out that the fact that your testimony today is not heard by a co-inhabitant is the only one of the witnesses who can help you receive a lesser punishment. Although if your wedding is canceled for any reason, this witness can now harm you too.

Today A.Norkūnas said: “I confess guilt. I accidentally killed, out of fear. I agree to indemnify for all losses. And I’m very sorry for the victims. “It certainly sounded like a well-learned poem.

Only the strongest arrived

As soon became apparent, Gabrielė, the deceased’s sister, also questioned the defendant’s sincerity, the only one of the four victims in this case who attended today’s hearing. After taking the oath to court to tell only the truth, she said that although she is the youngest in the family, she is currently the strongest of her. So he came to the meeting. Meanwhile, the older sister, who recently gave birth to a baby, is currently avoiding negative emotions. It would be too difficult to be in the same room with the man who ruined their lives and the parents of the deceased, who were unable to even attend their son’s funeral.

G.Gineikaitė, requesting 25 thousand from the accused. moral reward, he said he was very close to his brother.

G.Gineikaitė, requesting 25 thousand from the accused. moral reward, he said he was very close to his brother. They even worked together for a company in Sri Lanka. But after that, the brother returned to Lithuania and for the last summer of his life lived with his older sister in Romainiai, near the scene of the tragedy. He was going to help her with the second baby.

“Our family was exemplary. We lived in poverty, but we were rich in our relationships, “said G. Gineikaitė, who had difficulty holding back tears. She assured that the whole family wanted to learn from the touch of the deceased. He was not only a non-conflictive man, but a reconciler others, plus he didn’t abuse alcohol, he didn’t use drugs.

Audrius Norkūnas. Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis.

An eloquent observation

The defendant’s lawyer Ramūnas Putinas, apologizing to G. Gineikaitė for this question, asked them: “Why did your brother rush to hit the man, even breaking this collarbone?” he defended his friend, which he always did. In a word, it was provoked.

G. Gineikatė said his father found out about the accident when his brother was resurrected for about 40 minutes. And an hour later, after running from Vilnius, where he lives, to Kaunas, his mother said that he had not survived. After that, I had to run to the hospital, where the two parents who passed out from this knowledge were taken away.

At the end of the G. Gineikait la survey, she asked if she could add this one. And after receiving permission, he argued that if the defendant had really only wanted to defend himself, only a puncture would have been enough. Upon reaching the car, he was able to get into it and drive. But he came back with a knife in his hand.

Audrius Norkūnas. Photo by Laimis Steponavičius.

Do you intend to surrender?

As already written, the bloody incident during which 29-year-old Juozas Gineika was stabbed, took place last year, on July 17. Kaunas police and ambulance doctors were notified of this event on Romainių Street at 11 p.m.

Paramedics unconsciously discovered J.Gineika. He was already in shock from the bleeding.

A.Norkūnas, who was six years older than his victim, was arrested less than two days ago. At his home in Vilijampolė, calle Varni calle.

As the A.Norkūnas co-inhabitant told law enforcement officers during the pre-trial investigation, seeing the public reaction to this incident, he planned to turn himself in to the police. However, after the clavicle operation that was broken for him during the fight for the murder, (most likely when combat measures were taken against him). They learned about the fact that this is necessary, but it will be possible to do it only after a few days, when they went to the Red Cross the next day by trolleybus, because they had no money for fuel. But when he returned home and waited for the scheduled day of the operation, police officers appeared.

A.Norkūnas was brought before the Kaunas District Court, who was asked to allow his arrest, who was bandaged due to a broken clavicle and a broken eyebrow.

The officers who arrested him were unable to find only the murder instrument. A.Norkūnas claimed to have thrown the knife donated by his mother, which he carried in his car door pocket, through his window, when he ran out of the crime scene. And it even showed a possible place to get rid of this criminal tool. But officials did not find him in those fields.

The officers who arrested him were unable to find only the murder instrument.

Night bushido

The 36-year-old co-inhabitant of A.Norkūnas is today one of the most important witnesses in this case. Although he could, in exercising his right under the law, not testify against a member of his family.

She revealed that that fateful night the two of them came to Romainiai to visit A.Norkūnas’s friend, to borrow money. But it was lost in the dark. And a roommate who had been drinking a can of beer earlier went to the bathroom.

As a result, his VW Golf was stopped near the Aibė store, and he soon had a conflict with two strangers. One of them started holding on to a roommate to urinate why he was doing it in a public place. Judging by his eloquent biography and his contacts with Kaunas gang representatives, the comrade clearly did not like it. And he responded to the offensive response even more greasy.

Another stranger has already reacted to this by running his fists at work. He later used combat action against his partner, after which the attacker found himself on the ground. And then he started to lie kicking.

According to the co-inhabitant of A.Norkūnas, only one of the strangers was violent. The second he was left with was simply jumping.

Finally, the kicked roommate managed to curl up in a car with a knife in his door pocket. And to stab this, not even out of the bag, abuser. According to the indictment, twice. Hit the left leg and chest, piercing a lung. The injured person died at the site of the acute bleeding.

Audrius Norkūnas. Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis.

The subtleties of the laws

When law enforcement officials launched a pre-trial investigation into the murder, it became clear that the Aibė store video cameras were not working during the murder. However, the situation was rescued by a video camera from a nearby dental clinic, whose recordings soon appeared in public.

According to the police, what you see there is enough.

They made no secret that the legal evaluation of A. Norkūnas’ actions balanced between intentional murder and necessary defense. However, it appears that this matter was left to the court to which the case of the murder of J. Gineika was transferred.

The co-inhabitant of A. Norkūnas, who helped the murderer leave the crime scene by driving him, is not suspected of concealing a possible crime. Because the article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania, which provides for imprisonment of up to two years, establishes that close relatives and relatives of the offender are not responsible for this crime. The latter also include cohabitants.

Four people have been identified as victims in this case: the parents and the two sisters of the deceased. They are all asking for a moral reward of tens of thousands of euros from the murderer of their son and brother.

A. Norkūnas, who is awaiting arrest in court, faces imprisonment for seven to fifteen years.

Audrius Norkūnas. Photo by Laimis Steponavičius.

Cucumber shadow

Before his murder in Romainiai, A. Norkūnas was convicted eight times in Lithuania, for robbery, robbery, violation of public order and minor health problems. Once again in Denmark and the Netherlands.

And when he wasted his knife on Romainiai, another pre-trial investigation was completed, in which A. Norkūnas is suspected of being a high-value property extortionist. The case was transferred to the Kaunas Regional Court, which was also investigating the circumstances of J. Gineika’s murder, two weeks after the crime.

In the aforementioned case stuck at the Kaunas Regional Court since last fall, A. Norkūnas and two other accomplices, one of whom is one of the most famous cucumber figures released, are accused of extorting property from high value in the summer of 2018 of a common acquaintance who uses this physical and psychological violence. an electric drill to hurt his legs and illegally deprive him of his freedom, for which he can be jailed for three to ten years.

The aforementioned representative of Pepino has already been convicted of a similar crime, along with Deimantas Bugavičius, a former security guard of its leader Saulius Velečka, who was shot in November 2015. Only then did the same Kaunas Regional Court reclassify this act. criminal as self-government.

Initially, A. Norkūnas was also arrested in an extortion case. However, he was released a few months later with a lighter preventive detention, such as the periodic police record and a written commitment not to leave his place of residence.

Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis.
