Municipalities are starting to vaccinate migrants: they will also have to be vaccinated after receiving the Sputnik vaccine


In the village of Vydeniai, the majority of those vaccinated are African citizens. Later, 22 more Iraqis were vaccinated at the Border Cable Firewall.

“There will be no separate permits, obligations, no decision of the Emergency Commissions to make, organize the vaccines. The green light has been given, ”LNK Mindaugas Sinkevičius, director of the Association of Municipalities, told television.

Migrants who have crossed the state border illegally will be screened and vaccinated immediately, without waiting ten days for self-isolation to end.

“The current legislation stipulates that isolation is mandatory and the person isolating cannot leave the place of isolation. As a result, specialists from our health sector arrive at the isolation site ”, explained the head of SAM. specialist Lukas Galkus.

“If we wait ten days, and three cases of their diseases have been identified and it appears to be one or two with a delta variety, then it is possible to have a naturally developed approach while waiting,” said M. Sinkevičius.

The municipalities that currently host illegal immigrants emphasize the importance of guaranteeing the safety of the population, both in terms of managing migratory flows and the risk of coronavirus.

“In my opinion, vaccination is necessary, ensuring that illegal immigrants on the territory of our country and temporarily housed are vaccinated or subjected to regular tests,” Ausma Miškinienė, mayor of Lazdijai district, told LNK.

According to Algis Kašeta, the mayor of Varėna, the migrants were voluntarily vaccinated, but there were difficulties trying to explain the vaccination process to the refugees in a language they understood.

“We have identified leaders among them who speak Russian or English and can communicate and transmit information to others,” the mayor said.

Municipalities also have to worry about registering undocumented migrants in the electronic vaccination system and their identities are still unclear.

“It just came to our knowledge then. They are based on the information that the State Border Guard services and police officers have; those who do not have documents, apparently, still present themselves under some name,” said A. Kašėta. .

Although the vaccination process in the Šalčininkai district municipality is very slow, the representative of the municipality says that they may not have enough specialists to test and vaccinate the migrants.

“Of course, there are some resources, but it should be understood that this will put an additional burden on already working doctors,” said Gžegož Jurgo, deputy director of the Šalčininkai district municipal administration.

Vaccination centers decide for themselves which vaccine to vaccinate migrants based on how many and which vaccines they have.

Some migrants say they have already been vaccinated with Sputnik in Belarus, but there will be no exceptions: they will also be vaccinated with the vaccines available in Lithuania. Minors will be vaccinated with Pfizer.

Currently, illegal immigrants are accommodated in 8 Lithuanian municipalities.
