Ms Navickienė was quick to reassure her about unemployment benefit: the new government does not intend to remove support


On Thursday, M. Navickienė spoke about the planned work in the field of social security, as well as the reorganization of the Employment Service, at a remote meeting of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) faction in the Seimas.

After receiving a question from MP Vidmantas Kanopa about how it is intended to address the issue of people who enroll in the Employment Service only to receive health insurance, but not to find work, M. Navickienė explained that this service is one of the key institutions with help finding a job.

“It should not be another social support system, because social support is social support, the Employment Service is the Employment Service. And I also wonder if a really compulsory health insurance tax should be linked to registering with the Employment Service. Of course, we have to discuss this situation with the Ministry of Health, it is not only the prerogative of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor, “said the minister at the meeting with the Seimas Social Democrats.

Ms Navickienė also said that in addition to the projects, services and measures that are being examined, the question arises as to whether all activities carried out by the Employment Service should belong to this institution.

One of them is the administration of a part of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Thinking of developing support

Some understood the words of M. Navickienė in such a way that there are plans for the state to stop insuring the unemployed with health insurance.

Later 15 minutes the Minister of Social Security and Labor said he believed that the state needed to take over that insurance for the unemployed.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Today, however, the only question I ask myself is whether health insurance should be linked to registering with the Employment Service,” he explained.

Ms. Navickienė assured that the new government not only does not intend to remove this support, but, on the contrary, plans to develop it.

“During the quarantine, this type of insurance is especially important. But I also raise the question of the mission of the Employment Service. There, people must register for the opportunity to find another job and receive unemployment benefits. If they register alone for health insurance, it is not true. Raise the administration issue here to discuss it with the Ministry of Health, “he said.

Non-service function

Algirdas Sysas, the senior of the Seimas LSDP faction, also said that the essence of the amendments under consideration is that people covered by mandatory state-funded health insurance should not register with the Employment Service.

He recalled that this function was assigned to this institution a few years ago. But, in the opinion of the politician, this is not a function of the Employment Service.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Algirdas Sysas

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Algirdas Sysas

A.Sysas assured that M.Navickienė did not speak about the fact that the unemployed would not be covered by state-funded health insurance.

“She is talking about leaving the chops for the Employment Service and giving the flies elsewhere. In the sense that each one does their own work, which is written in the description. In the same Employment Service Law, no you will find that they need benefits to be paid or to register as unemployed. This is not their role, “said a member of the Seimas Labor and Social Affairs Committee.

A.Sysas considered that the State Health Insurance Fund could register those that the state insures with health insurance.

“They have their own registry, all the data, access everywhere. So why can’t you capture and see? Even more so because they pay contributions for these people: the money goes through the sickness funds. Of course, from the state budget – to health insurance funds and health insurance funds pay, “said the MP.
