Ms Navickienė proposed by the Minister of Social Security and Labor: priority for those who suffer the greatest exclusion


If appointed, Ms Navickienė will replace Minister Linas Kukuraitis, who has held this position since the beginning of her term.

M.Navickienė: we will have a lot of work

“Clearly, in the context of a pandemic, stability in the field of social protection is very important, and my own priority, if confirmed, would be greater inclusion of the most marginalized groups.

Those who experience the most exclusion. These include both disabled children and unmarried children and pensioners, especially those with the lowest pensions. It is also a stable and constantly growing pension system. We would give priority and attention to this. ” 15 minutes M. Navickienė said.

VIDEO: After the conversation with the president, I. Šimonytė revealed his proposed candidates for ministers

The candidate for minister said he would return to the idea of ​​the emergence of pensions for single retirees.

“It just came to our attention then. Of course, and other priorities, because there are many activities, the areas are wide, we will have a lot of work. We will certainly continue the good work and the decisions that we have made. But, as I mentioned, it is very important. bring social services closer to the person, so that according to individualized needs we can adapt the types of services that Lithuanians need most. And today we see that the system still does not work properly, “said M. Navickienė.

The politician said he understood the pending responsibility, but acknowledged that there were no great speeches and thoughts, persuasions and convictions -if accepting the proposal to become a minister-: “All the interviews were about the criteria that the candidates for ministers must meet. It was about jobs, activities, priorities, the government program. So this was the first part of the discussion and personal problems were secondary.

For me, this area is close, it is very important. The problem of the exclusion of different social groups in particular. I would see it as one of the most important. “

He spared no criticism of the ministry

In 2019, Ms. Navickienė spared no criticism of the ministry, which she may now have to lead.

“During the entire process of reshaping the Government, in addition to the money for the child, I missed the discussion about ways to solve social problems and, at the same time, about the future of Minister Linas Kukuraitis.

Although the Ministry of Social Security and Labor praises the work and the improvement of the situation, a study by the Department of Statistics published last week revealed that almost 23 percent of the country’s population lives in poverty, a phenomenon more common among the single parents and retirees. I believe that Minister Kukuraitis should not manipulate the numbers in this situation, saying that everything is improving rapidly, but look reality in the eye and take at least part of the responsibility for the situation, ”said M. Navickienė.

Ms Navickienė noted how effectively the reform of the protection of children’s rights has been implemented.

“Can the Minister make it clear today that there are currently enough competent staff and social services for families in the system for the child to feel safe? Recent events involving injured children unfortunately reveal no.

The initiative of the Ministry is particularly lacking in addressing the problems of the disabled in principle. In addition to the lack of crying services for the disabled and their families, there has been a lack of participation in the debate on the Social Enterprise Law, which has once again taken a lighter but unresolved path of commitment. And the opportunity for people with disabilities to enter the open labor market under favorable conditions remains untapped. This is an ordinary case, when the lack of determination of the Ministry does not solve the problems that have turned into great pains ”, said M. Navickienė.

Economist T. Medaiskis: the current situation is not easy

Lithuanian economist, doctor of social sciences, professor at Vilnius University Theodoras Medaiskis says that the current situation is not easy mainly due to pandemics and quarantine.

“We should at least maintain the level of social protection that has been achieved, and I would say that we are still trying to reduce income inequality by reasonable means. Although the current situation may make it difficult. But that must be achieved. And strive not in any way. It is about figuring out how to do it rationally, to really help the people who need it most.This is a challenge.

And the long-term challenges come from an aging society. I think there is a need to address some nursing and long-term care issues. I have repeatedly mentioned the need for long-term care insurance. I hope the new minister will at least consider this issue, “said T. Medaiskis.

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Teodoras Medaiskis

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Teodoras Medaiskis

According to the economist, the challenge also awaits regarding the indexation of pensions: “Because the current system of indexation of pensions, seeing the fall in GDP, is such that the indexation of pensions as it should be should not be. On the other hand, the rights and protection of pensioners must be enforced, so there will be some challenges between the possibilities and the existing legal norms. How to maneuver, protect the income of the elderly and a certain distribution of income ”.

According to T. Medaiskis, social security measures should also help those who will lose income due to the pandemic and quarantine.

L. Kukuraitis: You won’t just have to speak out loud

Outgoing Minister of Social Security and Labor Linas Kukuraitis says, Ms Navickienė has experience in social security issues, but knows her more on the political side.

“During her last term, she worked in the Committee on Social Affairs and Labor and was quite active. This is an important experience, but there is still no important work (in this area). The transition from political discourse to executive will be, I think, a fundamental change It will be necessary not only to speak out loud, not only to express criticism for what M. Navickienė did while he was in the opposition, but it will also need changes on issues that are changing very slowly.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Linas Kukuraitis

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Linas Kukuraitis

Our field is about people’s daily lives, habits and very inert help systems, because people get used to helping and change is very difficult.

Therefore, the executive will require a lot of practical knowledge, not just political knowledge, special leadership skills. The system is very broad, with large structures such as Sodra, the Employment Service, the State Labor Inspectorate, the Service for the Protection of Children’s Rights and others. These are huge structures provided by a number of social functions in our society. Therefore, it is important which team will be, because a minister has not yet been able to do anything if the vice ministers, the advisers, are not competent. So change is difficult, “said L. Kukuraitis.

Speaking of the specific challenges that await us, L. Kukuraitis mentioned managing the consequences of COVID-19 in the field of employment and social affairs: It will be necessary to propose new specific measures for both employers and employees, as well as for those who will leave the job market. Some of the measures are planned, they will exist as long as the quarantine continues. But then there will have to be new ones: invent, create, offer them taking into account the current knowledge about COVID-19, about current problems in the labor market. It will take great skill and precision. “

The Minister at the end of his work also mentioned the main ongoing issues: the continuity of social orientation policies, work with various vulnerable groups, exclusion groups, etc.

“It just came to our knowledge then perlaužti and address poverty and inequality and children. The situation began to drink, so it is convenient to keep this curve. And reducing poverty and inequality is one of the main themes, “said L. Kukuraitis.

Biography of M. Navickienė

Photo by Valdas Kopūstas / 15min / Monika Navickienė

Photo by Valdas Kopūstas / 15min / Monika Navickienė

  • Conservative Monika Navickienė won the Seimas elections for the second time in a row in the single-member constituency of Naujoji Vilnia.
  • The election was very successful for her: in Naujoji Vilnia, M. Navickienė received just over 62 percent. his opponent, Romualda Poševeckaja, representative of the Polish Lithuanian Electoral Campaign – Union of Christian Families – 35.5 percent.
  • M.Navickienė was born on June 25, 1981 in Telšiai.
  • In 2005 he graduated from Mykolas Riomeris University with a BA in Tax Administration and in 2003 with a BA in Philosophy from Vilnius University. He has a master’s degree.
  • In 2016-2020, he was a member of the Seimas.
  • 2013–2016 – Executive Secretary of TS-LKD.
  • In 2012-2013, he was an assistant to a member of the Seimas
  • Between 2004 and 2011, he worked for the companies Aesculapius, Raminora, MndM Concept, UAB Adcrent (SPA Vilnius) and the Association of Health Institutions of Druskininkai Resort.
  • M.Navickienė – one of the founders of the association for the memory of the fight for freedom “Do not forget”; In 2016, it implemented the Imuosi ir darau project, which helped solve problems related to public sector services.
  • M.Navickienė points out that his hobbies are travel, books, cultural events. He speaks English and Russian. He has two daughters.
