Mr. Biden signed a series of decisions, including the decision to join the climate agreement.


Photo by Tom Brenner (Reuters / Scanpix)

US President Joe Biden began his administration job Wednesday with a string, which included a decision to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement and a requirement to wear masks in all federal buildings.

More detailed information on selected resins has been added.

The new head of state signed the United States’ membership in the World Health Organization, lifted his predecessor’s ban on entry into the majority Muslim country, and signed measures to strengthen environmental protection and combat the coronavirus pandemic.

The directives also include a decision to suspend construction of the Trump-designed border on the border with Mexico and measures to promote diversity and equality for Maum groups in the federal government.

This reverses Trump’s decisions and sets the right political guidelines for the new administration.

Some of the things to be taken will be bold, Biden said in the White House Oval Office.

We will fight climate change in a way that we are not yet, says the president, speaking about the collapse of the Paris Climate Agreement In 2016, most countries signed an agreement aimed at limiting global climate change.

Biden says his response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has already claimed 400,000 lives in the United States, will help turn the tide of the crisis.

You will first speak with Mr. Trudeau

He also announced that the first foreign leader Biden intends to speak with on the phone will be Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Jen Psaki, representative of the Baltic States, will announce it on Wednesday.

His first telephone conversation with the foreign leader, Prime Minister Trudeau, will take place on Friday, during the first press conference at the White House, Psaki said.

She said the two would discuss important relations with Canada and the Biden administration’s decision to suspend construction of a US-Canada pipeline at Keystone.

A. Haines Confirmed National Food Director

The US Senate on Wednesday approved President Biden’s candidacy for the position of National Food Director at Avril Haines, and she became the first member of the new head of state’s administration to be approved.

Senate Democrats and Republicans strongly support Haines, who became the first woman to lead 18 agents from the US food community.Her candidate was approved 84 to 10 votes.

A. Haines, 51, is a veteran of the food community, former deputy chief of the Central Food Board (CV), and former deputy national security adviser to the Barack Obama administration.

At the end of his term, Trump, accused of politicizing and rejecting the food community, helped Haines remain apolitical.

He also said he would seek to restore confidence in the food organs of American allies after the collapse of the Trump administration.

To protect the integrity of our food-consuming community, the national food director must insist that politicians simply never have a place when it comes to food, Haines said during his endorsement post.

Biden and the Senate are seeking swift approval from key members of his administration, and a vote on the secretaries of defense, state and idiots is expected in the coming days.

J. Biden: D. A short day is very noble to me.

Biden was sworn in and assumed the 46th position as president of the United States on Wednesday. His predecessor, D. Trump, did not participate in the inauguration of J. Biden, nor did he officially congratulate him on his victory in the election.

However, Trump decided to continue the tradition of leaving the presidency in due time.

On Wednesday, J. Biden told reporters that D. Trump left him a very noble moment in the Oval Office.

He’s secretive, so I won’t talk about him until I talk to him, the talking head of state.

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