Movement restrictions: how will it be possible to get to Klaipeda?


To control the spread of COVID-19, movement restrictions will be introduced throughout Lithuania starting tomorrow. You may travel to another municipality only if necessary: ​​due to the death of close relatives when the workplace is in another municipality, for health services, other objectively justified immediate reasons.

“I urge everyone to focus and act wisely and responsibly. We all probably understand that it is impossible to control all cyclists, but it will be given a lot of attention. The police and the municipality are preparing intensively, so everyone who rides to another municipality must be prepared to justify the purpose of their trip. However, the most important thing is that we are all aware and understand that only by protecting each other will we achieve better results. Certainly, there is no objective to punish as many people as possible possible and capture as many criminals as possible, but appealing to civic conscience is and should be. Also to understand the importance of that, “Klaipėda Mayor Vytautas Grubliauskas said in the press release.

In Klaipėda, traffic prohibition signs are already being built at some entrances to the city, and it is recommended to enter and leave the city by Liepojos str. (Address Kalotė), Girulius, Pajūrio str. (Tauralaukis), Liepų st., Tilžės st. and the Vilnius highway. Police stations are also provided at these locations. Although they will not be on duty constantly, the crossing of municipal limits can be controlled at any time. The control will be carried out on a mobile basis.

According to the director of administration of the Klaip Administrationda city municipality, Gintaras Neniškis, traffic prohibition signs will be built at other entrances, only special services will be able to use these roads. If necessary, some entries can also be blocked by technical means.

Although the city of Klaipeda was preparing to ensure constant control, after the explanations of the Government and the Ministry of the Interior and the control plans presented, the presence of regular policemen on weekends and holidays at the checkpoints is expected . The Interior Ministry announces that movement controls will be carried out from December 18. 1 pm until December 20. 9 pm, from December 23. 1 pm to 27 d. 9pm, as well as from December 31st. 1 pm until January 3. 9 pm On unspecified working days in Klaipėda, the police will carry out inspections at the stalls on a mobile basis, each of the 7 stalls will be inspected to enter the city at different times. The police intend to use public safety officers, border guards, police sponsors, shooters, and military police to assist.

If people have any questions, they can call the police information line at 8700 60 000, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. in the morning until 8 pm In the afternoon. On weekends and holidays – from 8pm. in the morning until 5 pm in the afternoon.

In case of need to enter Klaipeda, it is allowed:

down Liepojos street. (Direction Kalotė, post at the intersection of Medelyno St. – Šilojų St.);
through Girulius;
via Pajūrio st. (Tauralaukis);
via Liepų st .;
via Tilžės st .;
via the Vilnius highway .;
via Rimkus (post at the intersection of Rimkų St. – Lanko St.).

No admittance:

to Kairių Street from gravel roads;
to Klemiškės street from the Palanga highway;
from Valle Verde to Vėjo street. (Tauralaukis);
to Švepelių St. located in the FEZ territory, leading to Rimkų St.

The police can adjust the design of temporary signs according to the current situation.
