Motiejūnas – on the irreplaceable Jasikevičius and the new direction of Žalgiris / News


Photo: BNS

Photo: BNS

Photo: BNS

Photo: BNS

Photo: BNS

When it became clear that the head coach of Kaunas “Žalgiris” Šarūnas Jasikevičius would leave the temporary capital and continue his career with the “Barcelona” team, club director Paulius Motiejūnas organized a press conference.

Points are earned this season

Earning points: 80.6
Accuracy: 47.7%
League place: eleven
Best achievement: 105
Worst achievement: 58
Higher profit: Zach LeDay

Motiejūnas, who attended the press conference wearing the Jasikevičius silhouette shirt, made no secret that he did not expect to change the former strategist, adding that we could still expect changes at the coaches and staff headquarters.

“We meet to thank the coach for his work on behalf of the administration, the fans and the players. Wish good luck at the new stop. We hope that he will soon win the Euroleague title. And we are turning a new page and we hope not to disappoint the poster ”, Motiejūnas began the press conference.

– When did you hear about the solution?
– This year, perhaps, you felt more because the season ended early and was very uncertain. Yesterday we learned the same message, but we contacted the coach. It was another summer, a different ending than the previous one.

– What were your arguments for keeping Jasikevičius?
– We still had a contract, but we are not in Barcelona or Fenerbahce. But you must offer not only money, but the entire team. We remember Shar as ambitious and he will definitely stay that way and wants to win the Euroleague.

Whether it is possible to do it faster with Žalgiris or with Barcelona, ​​I think it is clear that with Barcelona. That maintenance was not a kind of impulse, he knows how we work here. I think the reason is that Barcelona or Fenerbahche are clubs of different caliber in terms of finances, player acquisitions and other nuances.

– Will Žalgiris receive a ransom for Jasikevičius?
– Yes, but Shar has never been a business project in the context of the rescue. He was the man who helped us move to the next level.

– Will your assistants leave with Jasikevičius?
– There are languages, we know that not all of them will stay in “Žalgiris”. There will be employees who will leave.

– What is the club’s priority when choosing a new strategist?
– Lithuanian. The strategy does not change, we want Lithuanian. We have already started the languages ​​to negotiate. It is not that we have sat down and done nothing. There are options A, B, C to negotiate.

– How important was Jasikevičius’s role in recruiting new players?
– We were clearly in combination with the coach and it was important. It is important to understand that the players we subscribe to and how we do it will change. Shar was the leader around whom we glued everything and we realize that when the next coach arrives we will not find one to replace Shar. All club and personnel policies must change.

Those three players (Tomas Dimša, Steve Vasturia, Marekas Blaževičius) are not something that can interfere. We saw a vision with and without Shar. We will become stronger when we think of other players, but those of us who signed took into account that Jasikevičius may leave.

– What is the biggest problem: Maskoliūnas’ departure to Barcelona, ​​or working for the national team?
– For our part, probably if he will stay here or travel with the coach. The biggest problem here.

– Is there a deadline to sign a contract with a coach?
– We want as soon as possible, because the players expect what is normal. We want it as soon as possible, but we will not set specific dates. We will work and see how we are successful.

– Who will remember the most during this era of Jasikevičius?
– The ambition to win is the most stagnant. We want you to stay, even if you are not physically here, but to maintain that ambition. We will try to do it no matter who we play with, but we believe we can win. I think it was an essential event where the coach believed in what we believed in and passed it all on to the players and fans. I appreciate it more, not to mention the basketball side.

– Is the budget clear, what can be with the fans, the subscriptions?
– We have a plan to allow fans to visit without restrictions. We also have Plan B if it’s prohibited. We talked to players about what it would be like if viewers were restricted, had scissors, and how much that budget would be reduced. There are those plans, clarity, of course, no. Hopefully the second wave doesn’t come, but we still have to prepare for something.

We want to believe that there will be no restrictions for viewers in Lithuania and depending on the number of people infected, we hope that the second wave does not come and we can sell subscriptions.

– Returning to the lineup, there are several players with advantages. Is it possible to wait for solutions until a contract is signed with a new coach?
– We all talk to the players so far. Some expire, others are still a few weeks away. Negotiations take place no matter who the coach is. We will talk to potential coaches so those players stay if they decide to stay. We really are not going anywhere to escape our commitments.

– Knowing that the budget is being reduced, can it be said that Jasikevičius’s salary was a problem or a burden?
– There was no problem. We all sit in the same boat, both players and coaches, and we count. Again, if the option of not having a second wave and being able to let spectators into the arena without restrictions was realistic enough to keep the same lineup.

– How much can Jasikevičius’ game make it difficult to attract new players?
– I don’t think it will make it more difficult. Shar was the one who collected everything and we helped. Our task was to help you and not hinder the assembly of the composition you want and implement the thoughts in the field.

Now there will be a new stage again, a new coach. As I said, the priorities of the assembly will change. Maybe not everyone is so inexperienced and young to get used to the system and move on, maybe we are looking for something with more experience because we really can’t find a coach to replace what Shar gave.

We need to adapt as a complete organization. The organization is stable, we have amazing fans, we hope that your support will continue and we will move forward. It has always been like this.

– This is the vision of the club, at least in a tactical sense, it is not to continue with the idea of ​​Jasikevičius, but to bring something new?
– I don’t think we can copy what Shar did. A unique coach, a unique vision, needs to give the other person what he wants, not try to copy what Shar did.

I never believe that a copy can be real and especially a copy of a unique person like Shar. That vision will surely change.
