Moth: what to bring to the last bed in the crib – vaccinated or unvaccinated patient?


“It just came to our notice then. But whoever the economists call and I call, just bear the consequences of your choice. We still know in kindergarten that if you made a bad decision, you will go sit in a chair of reassurance. “Said the economist on the radio news program.

He urged to imagine a situation in which all the battle beds in the country are full. And what to do then: put the person who received or refused the vaccine in the last bed for treatment.

“A practical thing that can come up. Let’s imagine that there are 1000 battlefields in the country and they suddenly get crowded because we are all playing democracy and some are vaccinated and others are not. And there is a bed, and the vaccinated person who got sick must be transported to it, the probability of which is not zero. And the unvaccinated man who got sick.

So which person would you transport? Or the one he was guarding? Or the one who said he doesn’t believe in this disease at all. And suddenly he changes his mind and begins to believe in the disease, because it is over, he is short of breath and everything else, “said economist R. Kuodis on Monday on the radio newscast” Position Verslo. “

As the flow of COVID-19 patients increases, the number of beds for these patients in the Vilnius region increases.

“In the last three weeks, the covid situation has been quite stable, but since the middle of last week we have seen an increasing number: the flow of hospitalized patients and the occupancy of beds are increasing, sadly,” said Valdas Pečeliūnas , director of health care. at the Santara Clinics, he told reporters Monday.

“If the increase in the number of beds has been maintained since mid-August, this week will unfortunately have to increase the number of beds dedicated to the treatment of patients with COVID-19 in both intensive care units and active treatment units “he added. he said.

According to the Santara clinics, during the spring wave, more than 900 active treatment beds were allocated for the treatment of COVID-19 patients in the Vilnius region alone, currently 245 beds.

“We can still open a lot of those beds, but consequently there is already a situation where the further increase in the number of crib beds will start to affect treatment options for non-cow patients,” said Dr. V. Pečeliūnas.
