Most COVID-19 hospitalizations have not been vaccinated – you may pay for the treatment yourself later.


Kaunas Hospital is already delivering heart patient beds to COVID-19 patients, soon it will be time to compress other wards for patients. And all this would not be necessary if people stopped believing lies and were more actively vaccinated. Doctors themselves are increasingly talking about coronavirus anticoagulants being able to pay for treatment themselves.

The mayor of Klaipėda, Vytautas Grubliauskas, assures that, as at the beginning of the pandemic, so now, he scrupulously protected himself and was vaccinated against the coronavirus. But on Sunday night, he reported on Facebook that he experienced symptoms and received a positive COVID-19 test result.

“I am absolutely convinced that it is the vaccines that ensure a sufficiently easy form and course of the infection, although this is also true.” So I do not hesitate to say unconditionally that only a vaccine can help prevent an insidious infection, “he wrote.

The mayor does not respond to calls today and does not comment on how he feels. On the other hand, compatriots who are against vaccination are furious in his comments. It is funny to them that the vaccinated politician sitting in his house with a mask still got sick, and they, without vaccinating, supposedly do not even protect themselves and do not get any infection.

True, doctors have long said that these actors quickly change their minds when in resuscitation. And hospitals are filling up fast. Two-thirds of COVID patient beds are already occupied. In resuscitation: more than half. Today, 5 COVID patients were in the intensive care unit of the Kaunas Hospital of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. All unvaccinated. Patients who did not want to be vaccinated at the time were now hospitalized.

“We currently have 60 COVID-19s, 4 of whom have been vaccinated at both doses and have not developed immunity to side effects. The absolute majority are not vaccinated and have very different ages, from 40 to 65 years old, ”says Saulius Tvirbutas, representative of the LSMU Kaunas Hospital.


At the same time, patients with other diseases, including cardiac ones, are already suffering: there are no more wards for them.

“We initially assigned COVID-19 to the Infectious Diseases Department, now it is full and we are no longer treating other diseases there. And as the number of patients increased to 60, part of the treatment units had to be delivered. (…) The Department of Cardiology is now assigned to COVID-19 ”, he continues.

The Santara clinics today house about 50 COVID patients, 10 of whom are in resuscitation. 90 percent of them have not been vaccinated or have not received only one dose of the vaccine, or have been vaccinated but have comorbidities.

Klaipėda University Hospital treats 87 people with coronavirus, 11 of them in resuscitation. Vaccinated – 9. Therefore, the percentage of unvaccinated patients is similar everywhere – 90 percent.

“It is more complicated in Klaipeda, where there are about 74 percent. COVID-19 treatment beds,” says Ministry representative Marius Čiurlionis.

“It just came to our attention then. We are waiting for the next wave of coronavirus to take off. The feeling is that it may be stronger and more dangerous than before,” says Julius Kalibatas, director of the Association of Family Physicians.

J. Kalibatas

The ministry explains that medical institutions do not yet intend to limit scheduled services, but it is only a matter of time.

“For people who need resuscitation after operations, access to resuscitation today is not limited, but it may pose challenges in the future,” explains M. Čiurlionis.

“The main problem is with the unvaccinated, because with the unvaccinated things are even worse than last year, due to higher morbidity, infectivity and a higher probability of being hospitalized,” says Vaidotas Zemlys-Balevičius, data analyst by Euromonitor.

Doctors and experts emphasize that if people were vaccinated more actively, it is clear that the occupation of the rooms and the general load on the medical system would be less. The head of the Association of GPs is considering that people who intentionally avoid vaccination could pay for treatment later.

“To have to pay for it themselves, it doesn’t come up either, the doctors are debating, the public is debating,” says J. Kalibatas.

And the treatment can cost thousands and, in rare cases, even more than one hundred thousand euros of all taxpayers’ money.

“If a person purposely chooses not to be vaccinated, knowing that they can get sick, go to the hospital, receive resuscitation and use all our money for their treatment, from a moral point of view, it is not entirely correct for all of us who want to be vaccinated. “, keep going.

It is true that Vytautas Sinkevičius, a former Constitutional Court judge, explains that this would contradict the basic law of the country: After all, a person pays for compulsory health insurance and pays taxes. “

Dainius Žalimas, Vytautas Sinkevičius

On the other hand, the Constitution orders not to elevate the interests of a small group above the interests of society. Consequently, the restrictions imposed on unvaccinated persons do not violate the Constitution.

“It just came to our knowledge then. A person decides – I get vaccinated and use everything – I can go to theaters, cafes, visit public places. And if I don’t get vaccinated, I choose this” value “of no vaccination, I put myself in I endanger myself, my family members, the whole society in danger, ”says V. Sinkevičius.

Of course, there is no shortage of people who understand their own freedom in all countries. Yesterday there was news in the United States that a thirty-year-old who had organized protests against masks had died of a coronavirus. During the pandemic, he explained that the freedom to breathe without a mask was more important to him than health.

“My health has nothing to do with you. And your health is none of my business. It sounds harsh, but the right to defend my freedom must be guaranteed.” I care more about my freedom than your health, “said Caleb Wallace, a protester against masks.

Freedom ended in revival. Caleb Wallas spent two weeks there unconscious and with ventilated lungs. In addition to the father and husband, three children and a pregnant wife remained.
