Mosquito bites will not necessarily go away without consequences, and in Lithuania you can contract diseases that are unusual for us.


Only a small goiter can report a worm

Such worms that occur after mosquito bites are called heartworms. It is usually a canine parasite, only for them heartworm can be fatally dangerous. However, a worm cannot pass from one dog to another.

“It seems, perhaps unexpectedly, but in Lithuania, mosquitoes can spread heartworm worms. Although these worms are considered a parasite of the dog, they harm the dog’s heart and the dog dies,” said Milda Žygutienė, entomologist with the infectious disease specialist. of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC).

Incidentally, in Latvia, dogs were studied for these worms. 2008-2010 2227 blood samples from domestic dogs were examined. 72 dogs were infected with this mosquito-borne disease.

Milda Žygutienė

Milda Žygutienė

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“Therefore, it is a real truth that this disease is also circulating in our territory,” said M. Žygutienė.

According to the interlocutor, already in Lithuania there are many cases in which after a mosquito bite in Lithuania, a worm appears under the skin of a person. So far, however, it is a very rare disease.

“In humans, heartworm usually occurs in the facial area. A lump appears, a worm forms, and is deposited in the subcutaneous layer and then moves around the body. Sometimes the same structure can be moved, ”said M. Žygutienė.

Sometimes, said migration of worms is accompanied by unpleasant sensations: burning, movement of a living object within a pathological structure, itching or even mental disorders. However, it is observed that patients do not experience other signs of intoxication. This is explained by the minimal allergic effects of helminth in humans. Therefore, patients do not seek early help.

Mosquito bites will not necessarily go away without consequences, and in Lithuania you can contract diseases that are unusual for us.

It cannot be denied that heartworm can penetrate internal organs. This is confirmed by clinical cases in which they are found in the eyeball, the abdominal cavity, etc.

“It is unexpected for physicians, therefore the diagnostic process is long enough.” As the worm matures, it migrates, causing unpleasant sensations. But it’s hard for doctors to think that a raised goiter under the skin could be a worm. The location of the worm in the body can be very diverse, but after surgical surgery, it does not cause other problems, “said the interlocutor.

Some dangerous tropical diseases have also reached Europe

Doctors from the Center for Communicable Diseases and AIDS remember that mosquito-borne diseases are more common in tropical countries, but they are common in temperate and temperate countries. These are mosquito-borne encephalitis, filariasis. Lithuania’s natural conditions are also suitable for this.

Mosquito bites will not necessarily go away without consequences, and in Lithuania you can contract diseases that are unusual for us.

“In early spring in Lithuania it was cool and dry enough that people didn’t seem to bother with mosquitoes. However, at this point, after a rainy period, when the temporary bodies of water fill, there is also enough heat, and if the eggs have been laid there, the mosquitoes begin to develop. Therefore, they are only increasing, – said M. Žygutienė.

– Now being in nature, especially at night, will be increasingly difficult because there are enough mosquitoes. When there are many of them, it makes both work and leisure in nature difficult, because the bites are not pleasant. Of course, everyone reacts to this differently. Some are more itchy and have more allergic reactions, others hardly feel the sting. “

Mosquitoes are most often eaten by people in the wild, where we don’t always have the opportunity to wash our hands. And this is another danger that we often don’t even think about.

“It bites us, then we inadvertently scratch ourselves, we damage the skin, the blood begins to run and in that case we can cause a secondary infection,” said the entomologist.

Isolated cases of tropical diseases caused by mosquito bites are imported into Lithuania.

Mosquito bites will not necessarily go away without consequences, and in Lithuania you can contract diseases that are unusual for us.

“People are on vacation and don’t follow the recommendations to watch out for mosquito bites.” And the bites can infect them with various diseases. However, such diseases do not cause major consequences if they are diagnosed correctly: a person is cured and that is the end of everything, “said M. Žygutienė.

One of those tropical diseases is dengue. There are still no mosquitoes that can transmit this disease in Lithuania, because each disease is transmitted through a certain type of mosquito.

“When it comes to tropical diseases, we can still rest easy, even though the Asian tiger mosquito has already reached Europe.” It is a potential insect to transmit to various diseases. But it is still too cold for the mosquito to live with us. There are also pathogens for which it is too cold to be in the body of the Lithuanian mosquito and participate in that life cycle, “said the specialist.

Another disease that is already widespread in Europe is West Nile fever.

Mosquito bites will not necessarily go away without consequences, and in Lithuania you can contract diseases that are unusual for us.

“I know that mosquito cases have been reported in Poland and Belarus. Such cases have not yet been reported in Lithuania,” said M. Žygutienė.

Most illnesses start with fever. Depending on the disease, there may be muscles, headaches. However, when a person feels bad, they should inform the doctor that they have gone abroad.

Is it possible to protect yourself against these diseases?

Unfortunately, the only preventive measure is to try to avoid the bite and to use special measures.

“Light clothing first. The priority food for mosquitoes is animals. And they are generally dark. The darker the moving object, the more we attract mosquitoes.” Another thing is repellents, repellents, they can be very different: from those that can be bought in a store and pharmacy, to home remedies, “said the entomologist.

Mosquito bites will not necessarily go away without consequences, and in Lithuania you can contract diseases that are unusual for us.

© ULAC photo

Clove oil is sometimes produced in the home, which emits a pungent odor and repels mosquitoes. Cranberry oil can also be made. Depending on the interlocutor, the options are varied. Children are offered lavender water. However, it should be remembered that the more natural the agent, the more often it should be applied. The specialist warns: once a day is not enough, the oil layer on the body must be renewed.

Incidentally, an interesting fact: only women pump blood.

“Mosquitoes can also slip through the smaller holes, especially if the windows are open and the room is lit. The best way to protect yourself is to put a net on the door or window, – said M. Žygutienė.

Mosquito bites will not necessarily go away without consequences, and in Lithuania you can contract diseases that are unusual for us.

© ULAC photo

– If mosquitoes still enter facilities, the industry offers a variety of measures. For example, various devices that are not liked by insects are inserted into plugs. Special spirals and candles can be used for outdoor smoking, which emit an unpleasant insect odor. However, with regard to candles, it is worth remembering that they have a useful life and keep them unused for a long time; It is definitely not recommended, because the active ingredients in essential oils will evaporate and no longer function. “

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